Chapter 20

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"Where is your sister?" Aarav demanded when Palak and Dhruv showed up for dinner.

"I don't know," Palak answered haltingly, "I haven't seen her since we left your suite," she replied in a low voice.

"One hell of a sister combo you two are," Aarav said wondering what Dhruv had signed up for, "if you ask Kanak she has no clue of your whereabouts if you are asked you have no clue where she is," he said sarcastically, "amazing."

"Bhai," Dhruv said irritated with Aarav, "it isn't Palak's fault," he said defending Palak to him.

"You are taking the thick and thin thing seriously Dhruv," Aarav said with a half-smile, "good for you. You will need it in front of Shilpa aunty," he reminded him and was satisfied to see his brother's face turn a shade paler. "Now, who will go and get her here," he asked.

"Actually bhai," Dhruv started, "we were wondering if we could go out for dinner," he said and at the raised eyebrow he got, he hurried through his request, "me and Palak. We wanted to celebrate our engagement," he said.

Aarav smiled coldly. He knew what this was about. Palak was sacred of him and maybe didn't want to share the meal with him. But it was fine by him. He wasn't their babysitter. Though what was there to celebrate he had no clue.

"Fine by me," Aarav said and shrugged, "you guys anyway don't need chaperoning," he said then turned around and walked off towards the reception to find out what room Kanak was in.

He was sure if asked Palak wouldn't know that either. It was seven in the evening. A little early for dinner but they could just have a few drinks and then eat. He had scheduled a call with Virendra uncle for ten. He hoped Dhruv would remember to meet him at ten. He wasn't used to waiting and he definitely wasn't going to repeat himself. He wondered if Kanak was fine and hoped hadn't eaten dinner yet. He didn't want to eat alone today. Again. He had had a busy trying day and he wanted some company. Since Dhruv and his fiancé weren't here, Kanak was the next best choice. He found her room number and floor number from the receptionist and left for the elevator. She was on the second floor. He punched the floor number and waited for the doors to close.

Why did he want to check if she was okay? It was puzzling. She was a big girl. She could take care of herself. But he couldn't forget the lost look she had given him when he had dismissed her or even when she had told him about her parents earlier. The two faces had kept doing rounds in his head and he hadn't been able to concentrate on his work. He had shut the laptop and then taken a quick ten minute cat nap. It had seemed to improve his mood and energy levels considerably. Then he had showered and changed into a light cream dinner jacket, beige cotton shirt and cream casual trousers leaving his shirt untucked. The doors opened and he stepped out. Following directions he found her room. He knocked on the door and waited. A couple of minutes passed and he was about to knock again when she opened the door. And he was surprised to see her. She looked as if she had just woken up from a bad dream. Her eyes were red and her hair was a mess. She had changed into a green check cotton shirt and white cotton pajamas. She looked tired.

"What do you want?" Kanak asked tiredly.

"I asked you to watch that tone of yours when you talk to me," he reminded her sternly then as she gave him a confused look he decided not to pursue the topic with her in this state, "what is wrong with you?" he asked.

"Nothing," she replied.

"Then why are you sleeping at seven in the evening?" he asked again as he looked at his wrist watch to check the time. It was seven twelve now. Not that much of a difference.

"I was tired," Kanak answered, "and it shouldn't matter to you of what I do or don't," she told him.

"Kanak Sharma," he said in a warning tone then paused as he narrowed his gaze. He hadn't noticed it before but she seemed...sick. "Are you not well?" he asked then before she answered he put his hand on her forehead. She was a bit warm but no fever. It could be because she had just woken up. But she didn't look alright. What was wrong?

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