Chapter 24

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Aarav was in a dark mood. Dhruv had conveniently forgotten about meeting him at ten. He had arrived about half past eleven and then the call with Virendra uncle hadn't gone well. The man was livid and not without reason. He had blasted Dhruv and Aarav along with him. There were certain things he had asked and Dhruv didn't seem to have an answer for them so Virendra had placed the responsibility on Aarav's shoulders to find those answers first before any other plans were made. So it seemed Dhruv's engagement was currently on hold till Aarav spoke to Palak. And he didn't want to. He had told his uncle they should probably involve Shilpa aunty but he had categorically said no. This put Aarav under a lot of pressure and he didn't like it one bit. He closed his laptop and saw both Dhruv and Palak put their spoons down. He gave a half smile. It was amusing to see the two of them together. He glanced at Kanak who looked confused wondering what was going on. Ah well, certain things did have benefits. Like his whiplash tongue as someone had kindly suggested to him yesterday.

"Done?" he asked coldly.

Palak had ordered the entire breakfast menu but had eaten only a bit. She had wasted more than half of what she had ordered. And she was a non-vegetarian, was just being polite. There was ham, bacon, omelet, cold chicken sandwich, Russian salad, fish bites, an assortment of pastries and had the menu offered something else she would have ordered that too. Seemed like she was still in celebration mode. Of course Aarav had got his answer as to what she will order if she was given the opportunity. And Dhruv had indulgently let her be. Kanak had ordered a paratha and yogurt with coffee and she had finished her portion drinking her coffee now. Aarav had had his regular toast and omelet with coffee while he had read the news online.

"Yes, bhai," Dhruv answered a bit reluctantly.

"Good," Aarav said, "I wouldn't want her to faint in the middle of the session," he said sarcastically as he looked at Palak then went on, "Kanak," he said and the girl looked at him, "your presence is not required for this so when you are done you can leave," he said in a tone which suggested no arguments, "we leave at three thirty for the airport," he informed her.

Kanak wasn't sure what this was about but it seemed he needed to talk to only Palak and Dhruv. She quickly finished her coffee and rose to leave when she looked at Palak. Her eyes were requesting for her to stay. Kanak hesitated then realized she wouldn't always be there for her sister. Whatever Aarav had to say to her he would whether Kanak stayed or not. And Palak needed to learn to stand and face her problems. Besides Dhruv was here as well. Not to mention she hadn't forgotten that since Palak had vanished with Dhruv last evening she had seen her now at the breakfast table. They hadn't spoken a word to each other besides a polite good morning. Kanak was still a little miffed with Palak. Had it been any other time Kanak would have shook off her inhibition and stayed. Not today. If Palak couldn't face Aarav how would she face Dhruv's entire family? With that she smiled at her sister reassuringly and left hoping she was doing the right thing.

Aarav had seen her reconsidering his order to leave when she had decided to comply with it. He watched her go wondering what had been the motivation. She had been awfully quiet all through the breakfast. Was it his presence? Dhruv and Palak had talked in muffled voices and Aarav had heard the giggles. The sound had irritated him to no end. He brought his focus back on the two who sat before him. And he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Bhai," Dhruv said politely and as Aarav looked at him Dhruv went on, "it is just a request," he said, "just keep Palak's delicate condition in mind," he said slowly.

Aarav didn't say anything. He may not know a lot about pregnant women but he did know what he had studied at school. And he understood from his few female friends who were mothers now that if you meet an angry or crying or overly hyper pregnant woman blame it on the hormones and that too much excitement was not good. He will have to keep that in mind. Though with Palak it seemed nothing could ruffle her. She was wearing a halter neck black dress with an A line skirt and black high heels. Her makeup was perfect as was her hair. All curled and shiny. Why did he have to be here when there were a dozen other important things he could be doing right this minute? Why him? Aarav scratched his brow in frustration then shook his head to clear his thoughts.

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