Chapter 25

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Kanak was sitting on one of the chairs alongside the pool facing the sea. It was hot and humid. The clouds lingered on the horizon though the forecast predicted late afternoon rains. She sat under the umbrella in the shade and the breeze though warm was bearable. She had gone to her room after breakfast but she had hated sitting there doing nothing and there was still a lot of time to kill. So she had left. She had gone to the beach and enjoyed the sun and sand for about half hour before she had decided it was getting too hot. She had returned to sit by the pool not wanting to go inside again so soon. She wasn't sure how long Aarav's talks with Palak and Dhruv would last or if either of them would want to come see her after that. Here at least she felt peaceful. She didn't want to think anymore. She wasn't a thinking person. She liked her life simple and uncomplicated. And she knew if she went back to the room she will start wondering about Palak, her situation and how they were going to disclose this to uncle and aunt. Despite that she was still thinking about the very questions she had wanted to avoid. She sighed as she sipped on her cold coffee. She had ordered it when she had come to sit here. She felt more than heard someone taking the chair next to her. She looked up and found it was Aarav.

What was he doing here? He was done talking already. She could see faint lines of strain around his eyes. Was it because of Dhruv and Palak or was it because of the worrisome situation? Should she ask?

"Hey," she said greeting him as she watched him put his feet up on the lounge chair he sat on.

"Hi," he said then looked at her, "it is hot, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"I wanted fresh air," she said and smiled, "cold coffee?" she asked.

"I don't drink cold coffee," he replied sourly.

"Never," Kanak asked surprised. She loved cold coffee. Always preferred it over hot. When he didn't reply she realized maybe the conversation he had with Dhruv and Palak did not go as well. Or maybe he was stressed too with what was happening. How could he not? It was not an easy situation for anybody to be in regardless of backgrounds or status or money. She sympathized with him because she was on the same boat. "Try it," she coaxed, "you will like it. This is really good," she told him.

Aarav looked at her. Then at her smile. She was trying to coax him into drinking cold coffee? He should laugh. But then he didn't. She was trying to lighten up too. It wasn't easy. He decided to give in since she always did besides the guilt of her losing her job was still there. The problem was he was not used to giving in. Never. In any situation. He was a hard bargainer and a tough negotiator. It went against everything in his DNA to do that. So why was he doing it? He had seen her sitting here all by herself looking forlorn, when he had walked out to go and sit on the sand for a while. It was hot he had realized. He should have just gone with his business or gone back inside. But he hadn't. Instead on a whim he had decided to join her. She looked so lonely sitting there all by herself. Why was he over assessing everything? What the hell? It was just plain coffee. He extended his hand towards her glass.

"You want a sip from mine first?" she asked surprised again.

"What, you don't share?" he retorted.

"That is not what I meant..." she started then decided to not lose her temper over such a small thing. She gave the glass to him. He seemed to be grouchier this morning. He didn't use her straw. Instead he took a sip from the glass itself. It was sweet and creamy. He hated it. And unconsciously made a face.

"It is too sweet," he complained.

"I am sure they can make a bitter one for you," she replied then quickly corrected, "I mean with less sugar," she told him.

Aarav raised his hand even as he kept his gaze on Kanak. The server appeared and he told him what he wanted. The man left. He had been preoccupied this morning and so hadn't noticed but the cream lace top she wore with her casual beige cotton trousers made her look all delicate and girly. She had rolled the folds of her trousers up to her claves. Sans make up with only kohl accentuating her eyes and gloss on her lips she looked good. She should keep her hair open he decided. It did make her face stand out. When she tied her hair she looked all serious and severe.

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