Chapter 15

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 "You want me to do what?" Kanak asked in disbelief.

"Are you hard of hearing?" Aarav asked casually as he sat on the sofa in the suite of the hotel they were checked in.

Apparently they were in the same resort as Palak. Kanak had been provided with another room while Dhruv and Aarav each had their own suites. Kanak looked at the man and didn't know what to make of him and his haughtiness. They had reached the resort about half an hour ago. He had been on the phone again the entire way here. Then he had clicked the phone shut as they had checked in. She hadn't even gotten the chance to go to her room as she was asked to follow them to theirs. Actually Aarav's if one was to be specific. The man sure liked to live in style. Well, he had the means to do so. And she didn't hold it against him. Anyway, when they had reached his suite he had ordered coffee for them and had sat down on the couch telling her what he wanted her to do next.

"No," Kanak replied then looked at Dhruv for some kind of help but he was busy staring at his brother. Good for nothing. He was of no help around Aarav anyway. She had seen that much. "Look, we are here. Why can't we just tell her that? What is the need to lie and then get her to come here?" she asked irritated. "It is not as if she would run," she said. '

"What's the guarantee she won't?" Aarav asked as he watched her with his arm placed at the back of the couch he was sitting on. When he thought she would flip at that he straightened and went ahead, "Look, I don't know your sister, for that matter I don't know you either," he said and watched with amusement as Kanak pursed her lips, "it would be wise to not give her any indication that we are here with you," he said keeping his tone neutral, "we don't want her to run again especially after all the pains you took at finding her," he said with a hint of sarcasm and that got the desired effect. Kanak narrowed her gaze at him and he almost gave in to the urge to smile. She was an original piece. "It is easy, you have to call her and give her the room number and get her to come here. Once she does then we can talk and things will be sorted out. The faster that happens the faster we can be out of here," he told her even as he saw the protest forming in her eyes.

Kanak opened her mouth to say something then closed it shut. He was right. Palak had run all the way here to hide. Why? And Palak had told her she was in a big mess. If things could get sorted out fast they would all be out of here sooner. Besides she had to go back and look for a job too. Since she had so far followed his instructions what was the harm in going full way with it. Her head was aching with all the tension and stress anyway. The sooner this bizarre event ended the better.

"Fine," she said unhappily and saw Aarav smile. What she wouldn't give to whack that smile right off. He gestured towards the phone as coffee arrived. While Dhruv shook his head and went to get the door Kanak sat and called her sister's room number feeling Aarav's eyes on her.

"Hello?" Kanak heard Palak's voice.

"Hey," she said with a forced cheerfulness as she saw Aarav sit back on the couch and put one leg over the other watching her. That unnerved her more than the fact that she was again going to lie to her sister.

"Di?" Palak asked surprised, "Is that you?" she asked trying to confirm she had heard correctly.

"Who else did you give your room phone number to," Kanak replied with a nervous laugh.

"What number is this?" Palak asked confused.

"I am calling from the resort only," Kanak answered as she closed her eyes and frowned to concentrate. This was tougher than she had thought. Why was she lying?

"When did you arrive?" Palak asked again.

"Just now," Kanak answered, "I took a late evening bus. Since you had sounded so troubled I was beyond worry," she said feeling a bit better. At least that was true. "I called in sick at work and came straightaway," she replied hoping her sister wouldn't catch on to the nervousness in her voice and figure out she was lying, "I just checked in," she said as she rubbed her brow a little.

"Wow," Palak said, "that was fast. Strange, how Mr. Scrooge gave you leave so easily," she chirped over the line.

"Mr. Scrooge....who?" Kanak repeated as her eyes shot open wondering who Palak was talking about.

"Yes, your boss," Palak replied happily, "he looks like that cartoon character and he sure acts like one too so we named him after Mr. Scrooge," she said giggling.

"What?" Kanak responded a bit loudly irritated with her sister at the moment. When was Palak going to grow up? Apparently never came the answer. She closed her eyes again gaining control then went on, "Never mind that, can you come over to my room and we can talk," she said.

"Di, why did you book another room," Palak asked, "you could have stayed with me? You know you could have saved money," she said teasing Kanak.

"Can you quit asking so many questions?" Kanak said beyond irritation now. Then realized two pairs of eyes on her. She looked at Dhruv who was looking at her strangely then at Aarav who was sitting closer to her with a bored look on his face though his eyes seemed serious and a bit...what was that, concern? She shook her head as she took in a deep breath. "Look, Palak we can discuss all of that once you come here. I took leave and came all this way to make sure you were alright. So don't argue just come," she said tiredly.

"Sheesh di," Palak said, "you are mighty irritated today. But that's okay maybe you didn't sleep properly last night. Bus journeys can be quite tiresome. You should have taken a flight," she said lightly, "but you are so stingy. Anyway, tell me where you are and I will come right away," she said.

Kanak gave her the room number and kept the receiver down. She hated lying. She hated deceiving anybody. And here this was her own sister. But she couldn't forget what Dhruv had told her on the flight. That Aarav Singhania never threatened. He did as he said. And if Palak had made a mistake then they were in a fix. She saw a glass of water before her eyes and raised her head to see who it was. Dhruv of course. The guy was sensitive enough. The other... was a brute.

"She is coming," Kanak said a little firmly, "happy?" she asked sarcastically.

"It doesn't suit you," Aarav responded with a half-smile and at her confused look he answered, "Sarcasm. Best leave it to those who are a pro at it," he told her and Kanak had to resist making a face at him.

How did he always come up with such quick responses? That day at her apartment he had done the same thing. Actually every single time she had met him he had been able to silence her with his brand of sarcasm. And she hated that. Why was she always on a tight leash on patience when he was around? If Pratiksha was to see her like this she would be shocked. Her nice, gentle friend was turning into something unimaginable.

"Thank you Dhruv," Kanak replied as she took the offered glass of water. Her hand shook a little.

"You are welcome," Dhruv said and smiled.

But Kanak heard the edge in his voice even as he politely stepped back. Come to think of it she had noticed him more anxious and on the edge since the time they had landed. As if he was dreading something. What? She recalled Aarav saying Dhruv was responsible for the mess up. Maybe that was why he seemed so restless? She drank the water. She couldn't wait for this to get over and breathe in relief.

What she didn't know was that once Palak showed up things were bound to go from bad to worse. And the relief Kanak so wanted to feel was going to the dogs as well.


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