The Hundreds of Whys

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They ran.

Past the willows, and down the white steps, and through the park full of ponds, and sun flowers. They ran until they were away from the noise. Away from people. Ran until it was just the two of them.

They stopped near a river, where the trees cascaded over them. Rose smiled at Armano and sat down on a log she saw near by.

"Who would've known huh?" She said smiling, trying to catch her breath.

"What?" He said taking a seat next to her.

"That we'd meet again," She said looking up at him.

"I think it was destined. Everything happens for a reason, you know." He said, Rose nodded.

"What do you think that reason is?" She asked, looking down at her boots.

He stayed quiet for a few minutes before shrugging, "I don't know, "

"Maybe to be taught a lesson..." he finished.

Rose thought about the possible dangers of them doing all of this. She knew he knew the dangers also... so why is he here?

"Why me?" She asked. Armano looked to her and knew exactly what she meant by that.

"Why not you?" He answered,

"Because!" She stood up and laughed a bit, then turned to face him,

"Look at us, look at me, look at you! We're two different people, two very different people. You are one of them, and this attraction, it's inevitable but It's dangerous. We're not a good idea, we're like ticking time bombs together, don't you get that?" She let out. Armano looked down at his hands, before standing up, and walking up to her, towering.

"I know all of that. I know it all... I'm not dumb." He said smiling, and reached for her hand.

"This isn't funny Armano, you must be dumb because you still don't get it," She frowned, not taking her hand out of his.

Armano's smile vanished, and he let go of her hand.

"I get it. I'm Italian, and you're black, we're more like a match made in hell, but Rose you can't possibly tell me this feeling between us, this, " he made a motion with his hands, "Whatever it's called, doesn't it leave you wondering? I get that it's dangerous, but what's life if it's not worth living." He said looking up to the sky.

"You must really want to die." Rose finally let out. Armano began laughing.

"If it's my time to go, then I'll go, no questions asked."

"Haven't you heard the story of Romeo and Juliet? They both die at the end," Rose told him, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yeah but they also forgot about what everyone else thought and just went for love. In this world all we really need is love," He said.

"This is coming from a man who's in the mafia!" Rose scoffed. Armano scrunched his eyebrows,

"And?" he waited for her response, when he didn't get one, he sighed.

"Rose, you're afraid of me." He said, she didn't answer.

"Rose there's nothing to be afraid of, I wouldn't hurt you if you didn't give me a reason to. and that goes for everyone. Those who get hurt by the mafia, it's only because they've crossed us, and quite frankly, we do more than the police does." he explained.

"If we were to... give us a chance, we... it just wouldn't happen Armano. They'd scold us till no end, we wouldn't hear the end of it." Rose tried her hardest to make him understand.

"So if what you're feeling isn't strong enough want to risk it... maybe we should just forget." he said finally, even if it hurt him.

"Armano, I don't even know you, how can I risk it? Who am I risking it for?" She said, and it hurt her too.

"That's called living Rose. I thought you of all people, wanted to be free."

"How can I! When I have no one beside me, behind me, in front of me, If something were to go wrong Armano, you'd have everyone! And me? I'd have myself" her voice was loud.

The wind blew, making Rose's hair fly in front of her face.

" I wouldn't let you get through it alone... because what I'm feeling isn't normal Rose. This is something I've never felt before, and even if it were another girl just like you, I'd try and make it happen, but if your really don't want this to happen... then let's just forget it." He said stuffing his hands in his pocket and turned to walk away.

"I didn't believe in love at first sight, actually, I think it's stupid... but now I'm starting to realize. The feeling is no joke." with that he walked away.

What Rose just couldn't understand was why her? Why did she have to be the one. And why was it her heart that beat faster when she thought of him, why was it her heart that ached as he walked away.

Why was it her mind that actually wanted him to stay, Wanted to risk it all... for a man she barely even knew.

She crouched down and buried her face into her arms and breathed in deeply, "What should I do?"

"Why me,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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