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Hola!!!!! Enjoy ♪♪♥♥

Songs for this chapter:

Bang Bang- Will I Am

Young and Beautiful- Lana Del Rey


“No," Rose said shutting her copy of her favorite novel "Pride and Prejudice". It was her fifteenth time rereading the book. It just never got old for her. Although she knew exactly what would happen next, she still found herself at the edge of her seat, anticipating.

"What! Why not?" Isa said shaking her shoulder. Rose rolled her eyes and stood up walking into her room, placing her book on her shelf. She started picking up clothes from the ground, since Isa decided she'd come in and raid her closet, looking for suitable clothes for the All Town Fair.

"Roseiris. Listen to me please." Isa pleaded, her voice getting high.

"I'm listening,"

"This is the All Town Fair. Once a year. We all unite for one day. Uptown, Middletown, and Downtown. We all actually are in the same place all at once for once in a year. Why would you not go?" Isa said trying to get Rose's attention as she cleaned up her mess.

"I don't like parties." was all Rose said then continued cleaning. Isa sighed and grabbed her arm stopping her from movement.

"Rose, It's not a party. It's a festival, a fair, a carnival, for goodness sakes. It's fun and relaxing." Isa tried persuading her.

"Isa. Last years All Town Fair turned out horrible."

"So what, a little rain didn't stop anybody from partying." Isa reassured her.

"We'll just be targeted racially."

"No, the mayor banned it. He said this is the only time in the year where we can all enjoy life and whatever that old man has to say." Isa said trying to remember the mayor's speech. Rose scoffed and continued picking up her clothes.

"Please Rose!" Isa begged, this time she was on her knees. Her eyes watering. Rose gasped and couldn't contain her disbelief.

"Isa, you are not using that on me." She said, trying to pry the grown girl off her leg.

"Yes, I am. You know what. You owe me!" Isa said standing up abruptly.

"No I don't owe you." Rose argued.

"For being your bestie, yes you do." Isa crossed her arms and stood her ground.

"Isa, cut the crap." Rose said and walked out of the room and into the kitchen. Just then her mom came out of her room and sat on her rocking chair.

"Auntie Marilyn, would you please tell Iris here, that she has to, has to, go to the fair today." Isa begged the women.

Marilyn laughed and shook her head, "Hun, why don't you go. It'll be good for you. Meet people, Have fun."

"Mom, meet people? If you guys haven't noticed, we live in a town, divided ethnically. Even if the mayor wants us all together for today. That's not going to happen. He's not even present at the damn thing! People go there to talk down at each other and start fights. I for one, don't feel like being put down." Rose ranted.

"You don't have to be put down, you can stick up for yourself. I can stick up fro you!" Isa told her. Rose really didn't want to go. She knew something bad was bound to happen if she went. It was inevitable.

If she went, something bad would happen, and all she'd do at the end of the day is tell herself I told you so. At this point she was willing to kick Isa out her house so she can get peace and quiet.

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