Velvet Pt 2

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Part 2 of Velvet pt 1

Warnings: Sexual themes, blood.

Authors POV

A week after the incident that happened between you and Velvet, she started to feel slightly under the weather. You've been tending to her sickness, it's been getting worse. You have a feeling it has to do with the bites you gave her. You found an old book your mother gave you long ago, it was all about the teachings of being a vampire. Your mother used to read it to you when you were young. You found the chapter you had been looking for about bites. 'When a vampire bites their prey, the human will remain human. They will remain the same, and ultimately forget the experience of being bitten. Urban legends state that if the human and vampire are destined to be together as soul mates the human will turn into a vampire.' You couldn't help but reread the sentences 'the stages of becoming a vampire include; the human falling ill as their body and hormones change. Then, the vampiric features will start to appear, their teeth will become fangs, their ears will turn pointed, and they will have the urge for blood.'

You couldn't believe your eyes, you had to show Velvet this. You took the book and sped to her home. As you were driving you saw in your mirror you were being pulled over, great. You pull to the side of the road and wait for the cop. He knocks on your window and you roll it down. "License and registration please." He said, you went into your glove department and took your things out handing them to him. You were wasting time. "Are you under the influence ma'am?" He asked, noticing how anxious you were. "N-no sir, I apologize for my speed, I have an emergency" you explained. He raised a brow and stepped away from the car. "Step out of the vehicle for me ma'am" he said, annoyed you got out of the car. "Place your hands above your head." You follow his instruction.

You thought about what the book said, 'the human will ultimately forget the experience of being bitten' you hesitated, thinking if you should really do this. Fuck it. When the officer wasn't looking you turned around and grabbed him, shoving him to the ground. He struggled under you but you were far stronger. You pushed his face towards the ground and moved the collar of his shirt to expose his neck, you look around making sure no one was looking and bite down hard. You sucked and sucked, his blood tasted horrible, but you needed to get to Velvet as soon as possible. He stopped struggling signaling you to stop. He was in a tranced state which was normal, your fangs release a venom that makes your victims stop struggling, allowing you to feast easier.

You picked him up and put him back in the police car, you cleaned him up quickly, getting back in your car you drove off hoping that what the book said was true. Finally arriving at her mansion, you run out of the car, hoping it wasn't too late. You slammed her door open, she was lying in her bed, the blanket on the floor. She was breathing heavy. "Vel I think I know what's happening to you" you said, she opened her eyes and looked at you, she looked relieved waiting for you to continue. You opened the book hurriedly and showed it to her. She read it slowly. "So.. you're saying I'm turning into a vampire?" She asked, you nodded your head. "The book says it'll be a painful experience, I'm so sorry Velvet I didn't know this was going to happen" you stressfully said. She placed her hand on yours, "look at the bright side, at least this proves we were meant for each other" she smiled. You gazed into her sickly eyes, you squeezed her hand and started to cry softly.

"I just hate seeing you in pain like this Vel" you said, "and this isn't even the worst of it.." you whispered. "It'll be.. it'll.." she tried to finish her sentence but couldn't. Her eyes widened and the hand you were holding snatched away from you. She screamed in agony as her teeth shifted into fangs. You felt awful just sitting there, you just wished it was all over. Tears streamed down her face, you caressed her gently trying to calm her down, it worked at least a little bit.

Hours passed, Velvet has been passed out for a while. You knew the process was painful and tiring so you let her sleep. But her features were different, her fangs were long and sharp, and her ears were now pointed. She looked stunning. All you could do was admire her features. She stirred in her sleep, and she blinked awake, only for her to groan and hold her head. "Hey Vel, how are you feeling?" You asked "I have a massive headache.." she muttered. You got out of the bed and handed her an extra strength Tylenol and a glass of water. She sat up and took it, thanking you. You stood there, watching her every move. You felt so bad, she looked up at you with half closed eyes. "I'm very hungry" she said. Oh no. You thought for a second, taking the book you read through.

Your eyes scanned the page finding what you were looking for. Aha, 'when a human turns into a vampire, it is best that they drink from their partners blood, giving them strength in their ill state.' You put the book down, you got on the bed next to Velvet, "quick Vel bite me" you said, her eyes widened. "What?" She couldn't believe what you said. "The book says you have to get your strength back" you explained. You gently positioned her on top of you, moving your hair out of the way, exposing your neck for her. She hesitated, not knowing how to do it. You used your sharp nail and scratched yourself so she could smell the blood. Her irises turned red and she slowly leaned down sniffing the red liquid. She licked the cut, the instincts kicked in. She bite down hard, earning a gasp from you.

You've never been bit yourself, you were always the one biting. It hurt at first, but then it felt good. Your hand was on the back of her head, you gripped at her hair. You moaned in ear as she sucked your blood. She broke away to take a breath "fuck y/n... you taste so fucking good" she panted. You felt your heart throb at her comment. "Shh.. just keep sucking baby.." you said. She didn't hesitate and went straight back to it. Your hands slid up her shirt, and you massaged her small chest. She moaned against your skin. You could feel yourself getting lightheaded, she was drinking so much. You knew you had to stop her but it felt so good. "Vel.. you have to take a break now, I'm getting dizzy" you said softly.

She stopped sucking and looked down at you with her half closed eyes, her irises were blood red, you saw some of your blood drip down her bottom lip down her chin. She looked hot as fuck like this. She chuckled at your expression. "I guess all that pain was worth it huh?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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