Chapter 01

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I'm trying to keep my eyes open while hearing the noises of doctors and the beeps of machines. It's feeling like something is going away from me. I'm trying my best to keep my conscious. But second by second my strength is draining and pain is increasing into my head and whole body. But right now , I don't give damn to my own self. Anything could happen to me. I don't care. But nothing should happen to my child ... he should survive and live his life unlike his mother "who never got anything in her life. First I couldn't get the love from my  parents "which i deserved.."  then i got the husband "who don't give shit to my existence. My whole life went trying to get the piece of love "which I at least deserved once in my life . But no one dared to give to me and now god is snatching my last happiness as well. Which is my child. When I'd got to know about him. A ray of hope I'd felt in my life. I thought at least now I'll able to get someone whom I could call mine. But seems like god couldn't see me stay happy and now I'm laying on death bed holding my womb pleading to god that he should keep my baby safe. But I guess he can't see me happy and soon I heard doctor's faint voice " who announced baby is no more.

We lost the baby. He whispered looking at other doctors being dejected. Tears made their ways from my twitching eyes..' and I felt like to scream and cry bitterly. All the emotions are gushing towards my brain and heart. but being numb on the bed made me so helpless that I can't even cry. After battling with my emotions'  I couldn't hold my sanity and fell unconscious.


After I don't know how many hours "I open my eyes half and look around. But because of weakness I can't even see properly. Everything is looking so blurry and twitchy.

Anika darling you woke up. Someone says gaining my  attention. I slowly tilt my head and found my mother in law is sitting on the stool having teary eyes.

Maa" I whispered gazing at her tiredly.

Yes i am here. She sobs and hold my injured hand in her palm ... I can see how sad she is seeing me in this condition. She is the only genuine person I've got in my life who loves me truly. Or maybe she finds me good for her son ..that's why She likes me. She knows and god knows about it. But till now she is nice to me. Which makes her good person in my life.

Where am I ??? I whispers again trying to hold her hand . which she is having in her palm. But weakness is not allowing me to do.

You are in the hospital Since three days. Doctors had gave you sedative to keep you asleep. So that your injuries get heal little and give you less pain. You are fine right??. You have gotten so weak. She sniffles while caressing my hair lovingly. But right now I don't care about myself. I just hoping whatever I've heard in subconscious state. It should be lie. My baby should be fine and breathing in my womb. So without thinking anything "I ask her about it.

How's my baby??? Did they save him. He is with me right ??? Hearing me "she burst into tears and shakes her head in no shuttering my all hope.

So sorry sweet heart. He couldn't make up. Your accident was so horrible that it took his life. He didn't survive. Hearing her " i couldn't fathom with my emotions and I started crying letting my emotions over power me. I kept hand on my stomach and wailed without giving Damn to my injuries.

anika darling stop crying. My mother in law sat on the bed besides me and take me in hug without hurting me. She kept caressing my hair and soothe me till I didn't get quite. But she doesn't know that ' for time being I've stopped my tears. but the scars of losing child has been marked on my Brain and heart that it would never able to fade away in life time.

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