Chapter 2

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Hot shot was living a normal five year old life despite his heart problems. But he was kind of sad because he was active. He wanted to do activities like sports and run without getting tired all the time or worry about his heart. Hot shot loved his heart rhino who he calls Roxy. He loves her very much. He hopes to one day, run, jump, climb and play. He really wants to do that. He wants that very much.

Hot shot was soon having a hard time catching his breathe and such. "I feel funny," Hot shot said.

Quickshadow checked his heart with the at home equipment. Hot shot often got nervous when she took out that equipment. So Hot shot just held on to Roxy the heart rhino very tight. Quickshadow looked at it and saw some problems with his heart that was going on. She made a phone call to Dr. Liko his cardiologist. "Hello Dr. Liko it is Hot shot he is not feeling well and I saw somethings on his at home heart monitoring equipment I didn't like so do you think I should bring him in?" she asked.

"Bring him in today and I will take a look at him," Dr. Liko said.

Quickshadow got Hot shot ready to go to Nationwide Children's Hospital heart center. "We are taking you to the heart center today so Dr. Liko can take a look at you," Quickshadow said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. He was going to bring a long Roxy the heart rhino because he was nervous.

Hot shot watched as stuff was going by in the car. Hot shot was used to going to Nationwide Children's Hospital because of his heart problems. He was wondering what needed to be done this time. Did he need another cardiac catheterization? Or was it going to be another open heart surgery? Or was it going to be something else that needed to be done? So he was a little nervous about what might happen.

Hot shot then got out of the car once it was parked.

Hot shot was nervous and held on to Roxy the rhino close while holding his father's hand. Hot shot was very nervous indeed.

"Hot shot it is going to be okay," Heatwave told him. They were inside and got checked in. Then they went to the elevator and made it to the 16th floor. There they got out and headed for the heart center.

Hot shot saw many of the kids he usually sees there. Now he was waiting his turn to see Dr. Liko. Then a bit later a nurse came out. "Hot shot," the nurse said.

It was Hot shot's turn. Hot shot had all of his vitals checked by the nurses. Now Hot shot was ready to be looked at by Dr. Liko. Hot shot was waiting in an exam room to be seen by Dr. Liko.

Dr. Liko then came into the room. "Hello Hot shot, I hear you are having some heart problems once again," Dr. Liko said.

"Yes," Hot shot said.

"Hot shot has been much weaker than normal, he also tires out more quickly than usual, has chest discomfort, sometimes feels a pounding in his chest, has a lack of appetite, and is an ashy grey color as you can see," Quickshadow said.

Dr. Liko listened to Hot shot's heart and heard a sound she didn't like. "I don't like the sound of his heart," Dr. Liko said. "Hot shot needs to have some tests done," she said. "I want an EKG and an Echo done." she said.

"I remember those tests," Hot shot said.

"I bet you do, you get them often enough," Dr. Liko said.

So Hot shot was taken back to get his EKG. He stayed very still with the stickers and wires on his chest. Then the nurse was able to get the information she needed.

For the Echo, Hot shot stayed still for that too. The nurse managed to get all of the pictures of his heart that were needed for the doctor.

Hot shot was back in exam room. Now he had to wait for Dr. Liko to look at the results of both tests.

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