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Tw: enjax Kisses

The next Day  already dressed maddie. She was ready to go, but agreed with enid that she took maddie for the most of the Day, since they both have to be good partens.

Enid only was already gone saying she Will meet her at breakfast again since she had to do something important.

Wednesday dint really care. The little gilr in her arms looked at her intesly, looking at everything blueberry girl did.

"What?" She asked mad but softer. There jjst appeard a little smile on her face. Wednesday rolled her eyes and walked up to breakfast. Where she Met xavier with hid son Jackson. Hé had brown hair a little smile and dressed like xavier.

Maddie tunred to wednsday qnd looked at her confused. She dint know what to do. Wednesday nodded her head to the boy that she had to say something like hi.

Ths girl tunred back to the little boy anf waved a little shy. Xavuer smiled as the boy aslo waved, and they walked to the quad toghter.

When thsy arrived there, everyone from their friend group was there, yoko and divina playing wjth the little kid on their lap, bianca on her Phone, and enid and ajax...

Well they were giving kisses and carasses. Wddnesdya couldnt help hut feel uncomfartable seeing the two Kiss. She saw the brught smile Enid gave to the boy Who looked at her with the same amout of love.

She huffed without knowing getting xavier, Jackson and maddir to look at her.

The little girl grapped a piece of her for her to notice her, when wednesday looked down the little girl said "you oky?" Wednesday just nodded but she dint really want to be with those two.

She just couldnr understand why she hated it so much, yoko and divina were toghter for so long and she has no probeml with that. Maybe she really dint want enid to hé happy?

She looked too long since xavier placed a hand on her shoulder looking worried. She dint really care, nut for some reason it just Hurt when enid dint pay attention to her coming. No wait! She ment not paying attention to the child.

She sat down next to xavier who sat down first. Wednesday wanted to give the child to enid. But she was still bust with ajax. Kisses here and there were heard till wednesday had enought.

She stood up walked to enid and just put the child with a litle force on her lap, enid tunred to look at wednesday, wednesday dint really paif attention to that just the child. But enid onky ciuld see slight pain in her brown eyes.

"Wed? You okay?" Wednesday looked up at her and nodded, tunred around and walked out. Not knowing why the hell she just did that. She felt Hurt, angry and so more things then that, but she dint want that, and addams doesnt show emtions much more those.

So she just walked up to class wich began in anout 10 minutes.


Enid took maddie to her class, wich was gym so maddie could run around.   She went with yoko, she was still confused about wednesday behavior.

"Well...that was weird" yoko said brining enid ou tof her toughts, tunring to yoko. She nodded.

"Yeah..." she softly anwsered watching the Kids run around.

"What wiuld you think trigger her so much?" Enid sowly asked not really knowing what to say. This wasnt normal for wednesday, but it also was.

"I dont know." She lifted her shoudlers tunring to also look at enid. "I think she dint like the noises" yoko said after a few minutes.

Enid raised an eyebrown at yoko. What noises? The quad was mostly queit.

"What noises?"

This made the vamp sofly laugh and pat enids shoulder, wich confused the blonde even more. "Your slow you know that?" She said laughing.

"Slow at what?"

"You Will finf out ens dont worry"

Enid shurred it off. She dint udnerstsnd, why would wednesday ru n off like that? It wasnt noisy, and she dint think she that one of her friends said someting bad since she onky paid attention to a-

Wait. Did she run off because of that?

She dint know for sure but what she was sure off was that she Will talk to her abiut it. If she likes it or not.

Oopsie shorter chap. Anyways hope ya liked it!

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