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"Congratulations, madame la presidente."


The reply was automatic. Severine, a woman of unwavering determination and strategic foresight, had set this moment in motion ten years ago, anticipating the day when she would become president.

Then again, what else could she say when her mind exploded in front of the result that had just made Severvine Lafrage, born Severine Ines Lokéto, France's first black woman president, a historic moment that would be etched in the annals of the nation?

The hall roared with claps. Keri gave her a side hug, "We did it, Severine. We did it."

The screams, cries, and laughter burst Severine's ears, but the woman remained posted in front of the large screen and her score.


She couldn't believe almost sixty percent of the nation voted for her. Yes, there was her program and campaign, but all knew what weighed in the balance was the hope of seeing the birth of a legend, a testament to personal triumph and resilience.

Would she have won if she had faced an opponent other than the far-right candidate Angelique Barbeau? The question no longer mattered.

Everyone had their eyes turned toward the screen. While some cried over their deception, many rejoiced in the bars and at home.

"Severine won. She's president!" Laulati screeched.

"I know," Isiah, Severine's father, replied. The man refused to blink. His eyes shone with tears of pride, yet they refused to let a drop that would blur his vision leak.

Severine, his Severine, was president. Rise above and beyond, Isiah used to say. Never would Isiah have imagined such a destiny. The man clapped relentlessly.

The outskirts of Paris erupted in celebration. They had found their leader, their champion. Severine, the child of the 93, the violent suburbs turned fairground for the bohemian Parisian, was now their president.

"Severine, it's time to change."

Martha, her assistant, had three outfits prepared.

- The Oxford blue suit for the results wait.

- The black one for a loss.

- And a red one for a win.

In politics, red means power. Thus, many politicians, regardless of their party, wear red ties or have something red on them, whether a scarf or hairpin. Authority, strength, and passion are what all wish to incarnate, and Severine wanted the world to bow to the vision.

She left the auditorium to change.

Severine's professional phone screens exploded with messages and calls she ignored. Her attention shifted when her personal phone beeped with her former rival's face.


"Bravo, madame la présidente." Alexis' voice was icy. One could almost feel the cold slither through.

"Where are you?" The president asked.

"I'm on my way with Noëm."

"Good," she hung up. Severine needn't say more. Alexis finally was where she wanted him, on his knees at her feet.

People who believed she desired to be president to pay her husband back for his mindless behavior knew nothing. It had always been her goal, and if sentiments blinded her before, she no longer felt ashamed to admit Alexis was a stepping stone.

Their encounter was a mere coincidence, but what followed gave Severine a roadmap. Alexis' infidelities just prioritized Severine's ambitions, and here she was.

"Vous êtes prete, madame."

"Yes, I'm ready."

Severine was more than ready. She was born to do it. She pushed her shoulders back, stood straight, and walked back out.

Journalists present inside and outside the auditorium relayed their improvised messages.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are living an unforgettable moment here in France. For the first time in Frances's history, a woman takes charge of the country. Severine Lafarge comes as a surprise as she is a first-time runner. People are already saying her win is a censorship vote against the extreme front. Many would have wished for the Lafarge against Lafarge confrontation to occur. We can doubt whether the call to vote for Severine was heard by voters when we see the Front of the ballot still obtained 40%. Nevertheless, the victory remains an unforgettable one."

Severine focused and tried to block the noise.

"Cher public, veuillez accuelir, madame la president Severine L. Lafarge."

Her time had come. Severine walked out of the backstage and stood at the stage center, where they had placed the speech stand.

She waited for the claps to die down. The auditorium pulsed to the beat of Severine's heart. She placed a hand on her chest. Many interpreted the gesture as a thank you when the woman merely sought to appease herself before speaking, "Chers citoyen et citoyennes, je vous connais, je suis l'un d'entre vous. Ensemble, nous sommes une nation qui s'appelle la France, non pas celle d'hier mais celle de demain. Un pays où chacun a sa place. Une nation où toutes les libértés qui composent un individu sont respectés. J'y veillerai, pour un avenir meilleur, car je suis avec vous et pour vous. Ensemble, faisons la différence."

Journalists directly translated the president's words into broadcasting languages worldwide.

"Dear French citizens, I know you; I am one of you. Together, we are a nation called France, not yesterday's but tomorrow's France; a country where everyone has their place, a nation where all the liberties that make up an individual are respected. I will ensure a better future, for I am with you and for you. Let's make a difference together."

"Sehr geehrte französische Bürgerinnen und Bürger. Ich kenne euch, ich bin einer von euch. Zusammen sind wir eine Nation, die Frankreich heißt, nicht das von gestern, sondern das Frankreich von morgen. Ein Land, in dem jeder seinen Platz hat. Eine Nation, in der alle Freiheiten, die ein Individuum ausmachen, respektiert werden. Ich werde dafür sorgen, für eine bessere Zukunft, denn ich bin mit euch und für euch. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam etwas bewegen."

"Estimados ciudadanos franceses: Os conozco, soy uno de vosotros. Juntos somos una nación llamada Francia, no de ayer, sino de mañana. Un país donde todos tengan su lugar. Una nación donde se respeten todos los liberetes que componen un individuo. Me aseguraré, para un futuro mejor, porque estoy con ustedes y para ustedes. Hagamos la diferencia juntos."


The crowd roared. Suited up and clean-shaven, Alexis arrived just in time and stepped forward to join Severine on the stage with their son, Noëm. Severine smiled all teeth out between her red Christian Louboutin velvet matte lipstick. Camera flashes imploded, and Cara came out with a bouquet for her sister, knowing a photo of her with her sister would make the round trip of newspapers and magazines the following day. Even on a day like this, when Severine needed to shine, Cara intervened to profit from it in her sister's shadow limelight.

"There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Madame la President Severine Agnes Lokéto Lafarge has just spoken to the crowd gathered at the CL campaign headquarters halls. She is joined on the stage by her husband, Alexis Lafarge, one of the candidates who lost to her in this election, and her son, Noëm, making his first appearance in public since being exposed in the tabloids. There's also the president's sister, Cara lokéto, and a few party executives. It's evident that the president has strong support from her family and entourage. The future looks bright for Severine Lokéto Lafarge, but again, only the future will tell. Laura Pinto for C4 News."

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