Part 4 (Edited)

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3rd pov

It's been a few weeks and Naruto has gotten a bit better with the bow and he has been improving in his sword skills although slightly, but it was good progress. Currently Naruto was resting on the cool grass cloud watching, he was thinking of how to progress even further in his skills. Of corse he had the shadow clone jutsu but there were only so much they could do. Naruto was about to doze off as how peaceful things were right now but someone walked up to him and it was Shoko Sugimoto who was smiling lovingly at Naruto.

Shoko: I thought I might fine you here you goofball. *smiles and sits next to him* So are you excited about going back to the academy after a year of absence next week Naruto?

Naruto sat up right and looked at his hands and sighs.

Naruto: To be honest Shoko-nii-chan, I'm a little worried... the teachers... what if they go and tries to sabotage me like they did before? They all hate me just for what I have in my gut. Are they really that stupid? I mean, if I was the Kyuubi then wouldn't I done destroyed Konoha by now? Plus they praise the Yondiame of how skilled and great he was but then doubt his skills of fuinjutsu. A bunch of idiots is what they are.

Shoko nodded to what Naruto have said, but she just smiled and began to rub his head affectionately to which Naruto was greatly enjoying as he leaned into her warm soft hand, Shoko just giggled.

Shoko: Well, this year will be different, as there's going to be a few changes to the academic curriculum. So you got nothing to worry about.

Shoko said with her soft, kind, and mature voice.

Shoko: Just be yourself Naruto-Kun and prove them wrong.

With that she kissed Naruto on the forehead and got up to walk towards the main house to fill out some medical paperworks that needed to be done. Naruto however was blushing madly, in his past life, Yn, never was kissed nor dated a girl before as his life was solely about the military. Naruto got up and headed on into his dad's library/Studies to continue his work in auto-mail. (That's right, auto-mail. But that's all I'm a do from Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood.)

One day while out on a walk with Anko Mitarashi  one of Naruto's precious people, Naruto saw a former shinobi with a missing arm and got an idea. From then on he has been studying both medical and engineering. But with how limited this universe, this world's engineering knowledge is... Naruto had to pull from his memory from his past life. It was slow but with the aid of his shadow clones the work is almost done, one small problem however... one he needed Tsunade who he found out was his grandmother on his dad's side in his dad's journal that he found and read.

Tsunade is the world's greatest medic/Doctor, he needed Tsunade and he needed a person that was willing to go through the process of getting the Auto-mail done on them... the process would be very agonizing as the the auto-mail had to be connected to both flesh and nerves. He also needed the permission from both the Hokage and Chisato, as he himself planned to be the one to go through the process. Naruto had drawn up many sketches and diagrams of the Auto-mail arms and legs. As he worked in secret, he had one of his shadow clones to go about his daily routine to throw off suspicion from what he was doing but lately he has been feeling what he could only describe many sets of eyes on him 24/7. Why? He couldn't tell but he honestly didn't like it.

He didn't dwell on it for too long as he continued his work and after a few hours has past he grew hungry so he got up and headed out of the library. Then he headed on upstairs to get something to eat.

Chisato pov

Konoha's hospital

I was working on my new patient, a chunin who was injured on a mission, after I patched her up I sat at my desk and began to wonder.

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