Karte 2: I Became Curious

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"Kiyotaka-kun, Kyotaro. Breakfast is ready!"

"On my way."


I sat next to Kyotaro, facing his mother. 

"Here you go, Kiyotaka-kun." 

"Thanks Reina-san."

"You can call me Mom dear. You've already been living with us for 2 months. I know you must be lonely for what happened to your parents but... you have us now." She placed her hand over my head. 

" Thanks...mother." 

"That was close enough. Thanks, dear." She smiled warmly.

Mom huh? I've never met my real mother in my life and that man can't be considered a father. I still can't get used to this.

 I put my hands in a praying position as the rest did the same. "Itadakimasu." The three of us said in unison.

"Kyotarou, you should eat a bit more. Look at Kiyotaka-kun. He happily enjoys all the food I give him, though he's a little shy." 

"S-sure..." he answered. 

"Mom! Have you seen my new shampoo? I can't find it." Our sister came shouting from upstairs.

"I think you left it in the bathroom across the corridor."

"'Kay~ Oh? What do we have here?" She came behind and hugged us both. "My cute little brothers eating scrambled eggs with a steak. You're so cute! Let's take a selfie!"

"No wait.." 

"Ugh stop it."


"Perfect. See ya!"

"She did it again." 

"It's not a big deal you two. Come hurry up or you'll be late for school. I'll go prepare the car."

"Thanks. I'll help with the dishes." I stood up and headed to the kitchen. Kyotarou kept staring at the book he brought to the dinner table as he finished his breakfast.  I simply decided not to comment on it for now.



"I would like to have Yamada as my girlfriend!"

"Hoo..Me too man."

"I think she's way too beautiful for my preference."

"Huh? What is your type then, Kanzaki?" 

"Ehhh? Well... I'm more into the chubby type. Someone like Hara-san..."

"Are you a pervert?"

"He's a pervert"

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