Karte 9: Commitment

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Wednesday 4:21 pm - McDonalds.

Yamada and I still were waiting for our order near the entrance.

"I think I didn't hear you right, what did you say?" I asked, faking incredulity. 

Yamada pouts. "Come on, I just told you. I want you to help me get into that famous high school, so...can we study at your place? Of course, if your parents are okay with it!"

I stared blankly at her. I never thought this girl could be so bold. It's a tentative offer but I'll have to decline.

"I don't think I can at the moment."


"There's some stuff I'll have to do for a few days but I'll consider it for later." 

I've made a promise to him after all.

"Can we do it at the library after school? No one's there so It'll be fine!" She pleaded.

That sounded wrong coming from her pleading tone and puppy eyes, but I quickly shook that thought away. Maybe I shouldn't have read that manga Kyotarou gave me. 

"Still, I have to ask. Why do you want to enroll there? From what I heard, it's a boarding school, meaning you'll have to live there for three whole years. Aren't you working as a model here?"

"Ayanokouji-san, your order is ready!" We heard on the employees call through the speaker.

"Umm...I can't tell you here, come with me." She grabbed my hand and took me to one of the corridors leading to the bathrooms.

What about my food?



Same day - 4:28 pm, corridors

Yamada took me away by pulling my hand. I'm not that heavy, but even though I didn't put any resistance, she should've had more trouble pulling me like that. I guess being a big girl has its perks.

"Okay, there's no one here." She calms her breathing. "Now Ayanokouji-kun, I...Umm? What's wrong?" She noticed me looking around. 

"Nothing, I'm just observing if anyone comes our way. We should change locations. We're in front of the women's bathroom."

"Eh? S-Sorry, let's move a bit more." 

I followed her until we got close to one of the emergency exits of the place.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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