Chapter 26

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Sasuke's speech made me want to jump on him and kiss him all over. This Beautiful man has expressed everything I needed to hear.

He loves me.

I want to be with Sasuke but I am scared. Sasuke is unreliable, and I feel like I don't know him anymore. I would marry him in a heartbeat but we have a lot to address. I held the Cosmo he gave me tight in my hand as I stared into his eyes hoping he would tell me it is not true. The Sasu I know does not need to take vengeance on the leaf. He came here for me, right? He came to declare his love for me. He came to keep me in his life because we can't function apart. My Sasu is not selfish.

"You killed an elder" I can tell he was taken back by what i said. That was not what he expected.

"Hn." He deadpans "What does it matter to you?"

It is clear I do not know this man as well as I had hoped. "You said you would not seek revenge. I thought it wasn't worth it." I throw his words at him. His face changed from emotionless to angry.

"I also said I would never come back to this god forsaken village, but here I am." He huffed looking at our surroundings before glaring at me. I cower under his intense stare and face the ground.

"Why?" I ask. He sighed before responding.

"He was Danzo's right hand man when forging the plan to annihilate my clan."

"No. Why did you come back to Konoha?" I ask, watching the grass sway in the wind beneath me. This is what I need to know.

"I came for the baby." There goes the bricks smashing my heart. Those words hurt like no other. I should have known. It wouldn't have taken him this long to come back if he came for me. He needed to restore his clan and I happened to be pregnant. I can't believe I was stupid enough to have sex with him again. "But I stayed for you." my eyes lift from the ground and meet his. I think he could recognize the conflict in my eyes so he repeated his statement. "I came for the baby, but I stayed for you Hina. I wish I had come earlier." My eyes slowly reach the ground. He wished he did but he didn't. I'm overjoyed he stayed for me, but I wanted him to keep his promise. I wanted him to need me. "Damn it Hinata! I'm sorry for everything." he exclaims taking a step toward me.

"What's everything?" I look at him once again.

"There's a lot." He closes his hand over mine that are still tightly holding onto single Cosmo. "I'm sorry for looking at you that way in the cell. I'm sorry for calling you pathetic when Mamoru tortured you. I'm Sorry for not immediately recognizing your worth. I'm sorry for letting you walk hours, shirtless. I'm sorry for leaving you vulnerable, forcing you to defend yourself outside that village. I'm sorry for letting Karin disrespect you. I'm sorry I became jealous of Suigetsu. I'm sorry I wasn't there when Toneri arrived. I'm sorry I let him win. I'm sorry you put your blood line at risk to save us. I'm sorry I couldn't stop him from throwing you unconscious. I'm sorry he caused the loss of our baby. I'm sorry I wasn't the one to take you here. I'm sorry I didn't come for you sooner. I'm sorry I disappeared. I'm sorry you came looking for me blind. I'm sorry I left no trace for you to find me. I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise. I'm sorry for coming only once I found out you were pregnant. I'm sorry I didn't comfort you when you told me about the baby. I'm sorry I didn't compliment your new haircut. I'm sorry for scaring you yesterday in your bedroom. I'm sorry for being selfish. I'm sorry I didn't show you that I love you."

I stare wide eyed as he names everything, things I didn't even know. I could feel tears dripping from my cheeks. "With you, I can't be selfish anymore" I smile at him, admiring his words. This is my Sasu.

"I Lov-"

"HINATA!!!" I snap my head in the direction of the blonde. "TenTen she is over here!" Oh not now girls!! They told me brunch before the engagement party but I forgot. I will give anything for them to go away. I look over to Sasuke and it seems we are thinking the same thing. Sasuke lets go of my hands and I place my arms to my side as I smile to greet the company. "Did you forget about brunch?" Ino questions as she walks up to me.

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