Chapter 2

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After me? Why me? I am no use to anyone.

Neji and I run together to the district gates. Wait! Hanabi! "Neji, where is Hanabi?" I stop and look back to the mansion. I can't leave without her.

"Hiashi went to gather Hanabi while I collected you. Keep running we don't know where they are or when they will strike again." He pulled me by the arm to continue running. We were close to the gate, so close, but not close enough. There were three men in front of the gate. One in front and two behind him. They were not district guards. Once Neji realized they were the enemy he stopped and began to look around in a frenzy for the easiest escape. No use. We couldn't jump over the gate, they were built to prevent that. If we run, they will chase us. That leaves no choice but to fight. Neji was very strong. I train to be as strong as him, but the closer I get the stronger he becomes. He has always been an overachiever. Not on purpose, it was natural to him. He is truly a genius. I maneuver into my gentle-fist stance. "Byakugan."

Neji looks back at me. "Run!" Run? I can't leave him to fight alone.

"No. I will stand by you and fight!" I am ready. I have to fight.

Neji walks up to me and grabs my shoulder. "Hinata-sama, they are here for you. You have to run and find a way out. I can't live with myself if anything happened to you." I look at him with tearful eyes.

"I...I.." I begin to stutter

"Hinata I can take them. Trust me." He lets go of my shoulder and faces the enemy. "Now RUN!" And with that I was off. I ran in the opposite direction wherever my feet can take me. Where am I going? Think ... Think. Hanabi! I need to find her and father. I make my way back further into the district, just now noticing how kaotic everything was. All the Hyuuga shinobi where outside fighting these all black soldiers. The maids and mothers were gathering children and taking them outside the district safely.

UGH. Father and Hanabi are probably already out by now. Picking up the pace, I begin to run to the other gate across the garden. I ran straight through my vegetable patch. Oh no my poor tomatoes and cucumbers. I follow the crowd through the gate and out the district. Safe. I need to get somewhere far. And I know just the place. The waterfall my mother used to take me too. No one knows where it is except Hanabi. I began taking her there with me once she was old enough. It is far enough that I will be safe but close enough to find my way back. I run, and run, and run. I can smell the water as I am getting closer. Yes, I am coming Hanabi.

"AH, not so fast Byakugan Princess."A shadow jumps out and stops me in my pursuit. So fucking close. I can still get there. I just have to get through this guy. If I focus on paralyzing one of his legs, I can run. I get into my gentle fist stance once again.


"What a beauty." He slowly takes steps toward me. He did not have on a shinobi headband. I'm guessing he is not a ninja from one of the villages. He wore all black and a smug grin. "I have heard much about you princess." Two more men came out of the shadows from behind me. Where did they come from? I did not detect them, even with my Byakugan activated. They must be powerful. I back away as he inches closer to me. He steps in the light and I study his face further. He was the man who fought Neji at the gate. The other two men were the ones behind him.


"Where is Neji?" I scream at him. There was not a scratch on the man in front of me.

"Neji? No, my name is Mamoru. Now I need you to come with me." Mamoru was not tall. He had black thick curly hair and pale skin. He reached his ghostly has toward me. I quickly swat his hand away and counter with a gentle fist to his chest. My hand was caught before it made contact. He held my wrist and twists it. "I won't go as easy on you as I did your cousin." I wince as he gets closer to my face. I feel his breath graze my temple. "Because I will make you suffer." Someone save me. Neji... Kiba.... Naruto. Please Naruto.

"Where is Neji?!" I growl staring him in his dark green eyes causing him to jump back.

"Feisty. I like it" He purrs and bites the air near me face. I am disgusted. I began to pull away but to no avail. He is too strong. He pulls be closer and wraps his other arm around me so I am trapped. Our bodies pressed firmly together. I can smell his garlic breath hit my nose. He let go of my arm and used that hand to run his rugged fingers slowly through my hair sending shivers down my spine. "I love the blueish tint in your hair princess." For some reason I was starting to hate it. He pushes me out of his embrace resulting in me landing flat on my ass. The two guards behind me bring me to my feet by yanking my arms up. Mamoru stood right across from me. "I'll call you Blue from now one." Oop. I guess blue is most hated color from now on.

"Let me go!" I scramble to get out their hold. My feet soon left the ground and I was struggling for air. I grab Mamoru's wrist trying to pry his hand off my throat. The grip tightens and he lifts me higher off the ground.

"Sorry Blue. the boss needs you and your eyes. Your coming with us." He drops me and I land on my sorry ass for the second time. I immediately grab my neck and gasp for air. "A little heads up, your cellmate kills everyone we put in the cell with him by an eternal flame. Goodluck." he winks ordering the guards to bring me with them. "And knock her stubborn ass unconscious while your at it." 


I was thrown into a dark and wet cell. The smell was horrible. There was only a slither of light. I stood against the wall that connects to the cell door. I immediately look around for my cell mate. There was a pale man sitting against the wall across from me. He was chained to the wall by his wrists. I close my eyes and say a quick prayer for Hanabi, Neji, and my father's safety. I also for Naruto or Kiba to save me.

The guards closed the cellar door which reduced the lightning even more. I could hear their treacherous laughs fading down the hallway. I sat opposite of the man, staring. Something seemed familiar about him. He had matted black hair and dark circles under his eyes. One of his legs laid flat on the ground and the other was partially up, supporting his head which was hung low.

He slowly looked up at me with one red eye and kept the other one closed. *gasp* My heart rate increased immensely as I realize who it is. I became immediately wide eyed. The last living Uchiha. The man everyone has been trying to find. The infamous rogue ninja, traiter of the leaf. I never knew much about him. We never talked in the academy. I was too focused on Naruto and he was too focused on revenge. I never really entertained the gossip. But I knew that he was like a brother to Naruto, the love of Sakura's life, a merciless murder who killed his brother, and a member of the akatski at one point. He was the man the guards warned me about. I slowly back more into the wall as his Sharingan eye transforms into Amaterasu. I stare into his eye as reality starts to set in. "Please" I beg. He lifts up his head more, not taking his eyes off me.



Author Note:

I need feedback yall. This my first story ever!

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