Chapter 1

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Pete POV

As I sat outside smoking my one last cigarette the phone blasted through my open windows. It's always during my cigarette. I got up walking inside. I grabbed the phone putting it up to my ear.

"Pete Wentz" I mumbled into the receiver.

"Pete it's Bren listen man you have an emergency meeting in about a half hour"

"What the fuck Brendon why didn't you call me earlier I have a strange man in my bed and I smell like beer!"

"So shower and kick him out I gotta go I'll see you soon" The line went dead. I rushed upstairs waking the random guy up and kicking him out of my house. I rushed through a shower faster than I ever have before. I put on my favorite suit and spiked up my hair. This should be a fun day.


"Pete seriously are you going in for another one night stand?" Brendon asked me as we walked to my favorite gay bar.

"Yes I am it numbs my pain Bren and you know that" I mumbled removing the scarf from around my neck. I hated winter.

"Okay but if you get an STD who's fault is that?" He asked me.

"Mine now I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

"Fine be careful" He mumbled hugging me. I walked into the bar sitting next to a guy in a fedora.

"Hey Pete usual?" The waiter asked. I smiled nodding but my attention went back to the boy who was talking to his friend. His friend had an afro? He noticed me but the fedora boy didn't. I saw his friend lower his head still looking at me then he pointed to me. Fedora boy turned around. Oh my god was this kid ever beautiful.

"Hi" I said with a smirk.

"Hi" he replied. His friend got up a left. I sucked down my shot still staring at him.

"I like your hat angel" I mumbled smiling.

"Thanks" he said blushing.

"No problem" I downed another shot. He sipped his beer slightly.

"Wanna come home with me tonight?" I whispered in his ear. He chuckled slightly.

"Sorry sexy I don't do one night stands" He kissed my cheek and got up walking away. I want that boy. I'll get that boy. One day I'll get that boy in my bed. He walked over to his friend then he left without him. I got up running after him.

"So I'm guessing that guys not your boyfriend?" I asked.

"No my boyfriends at home most likely sleeping with someone else" he said turning left.

"So he's been unfaithful?" I asked wanting to know more.

"I guess since I've caught him cheating 3 times you could say unfaithful"

"But have you been unfaithful?"

"No I haven't the most I do is flirt" he mumbled.

"Where's your car?" I asked.

"Why do you ask so many questions?" He asked.

"Cause I'm interested to know you" I responded smirking at my good answer.

"Well I'm interested to know why you won't leave me alone" he grumbled walking faster.

"Cause you're an angel babycakes" I said. I grabbed him pushing him against a building. He looked me straight in the eye.

"One day I'll be the reason you're unfaithful" I whispered kissing his neck. He tried to stifle a groan but it came out anyway.

"I told you I don't do one night stands. I don't even know your name" He hissed out as I nibbled on his neck.

"Pete Wentz at your service" I said with a wink. He pushed me away holding out his hand.

"Patrick Stump" he said. I grabbed his hand shaking it.

"If you won't sleep with me at least give me your number?" I asked. He bit his lip contemplating it for a second.

"Well since you just gave me a hickey sure" he mumbled. I handed him my phone watching him program his phone number into it.

"Goodnight Pete Wentz" he whispered kissing my cheek. I blushed watching him make his way down the street.

"Goodnight Angel" I whispered watching him mess with his fedora.

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