Chapter 2

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Pete POV

I woke up the next morning without a random man next to me. I pulled out my phone texting Patrick

To Patrick:

Making sure you didn't give me the wrong number :P

From Patrick:

Nah not that cruel but you're still not getting any from me :3

To Patrick:

Ruuuuuude :(

From Patrick:


I decided on not texting him anymore until he wants to text me. It would be a bit hard but I can manage. I hope. I got up, showered, then I checked my phone. Nothing. I brushed my teeth then checked again. Nada. I went downstairs and watched TV checking my phone every two seconds. Dammit Patrick.


Patrick POV

I kept checking my phone to see if Pete had texted me at all. I mean it's not like I cared I just met the guy and all.

"PATRICK!" my boyfriend Luke yelled through our apartment.

"Yes baby?" I asked in fear of what was in store.

"COME HERE!" He screamed. I dropped my phone on the couch and walked into our room. He was laying on the bed with his hand over his eyes to say he had a headache.

"Where were you last night?" he asked getting up and approaching me.

"J-Joes" I whimpered.

"BULLSHIT!" He yelled punching my in the eye. I cowered in fear as he angrily stormed off. He slammed the front door shut angrily. I heard his car start and speed away. I placed my hand on my eye which was bleeding and swollen. I whimpered at my own touch and grabbed my phone off the couch. I dialed Pete's number placing the phone to my ear. He picked up after three rings.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Hi" I mumbled.

"Patrick I'm at a business meeting is this important?" his tone was rushy but caring.

"No I guess I just needed comfort" I whispered.

"Okay well I'll text you my address just head there and wait for me I should be done in about an hour alright?"

"Yeah see you soon"

"By angel" the line went dead. I dried my tears heading out the door. I reached my car just as my phone buzzed with his address.


Pete POV

I got out of my meeting a bit earlier than I expected so I headed straight home to see if Patrick was alright. He was sitting on my porch with his head in his hands. I dropped my suitcase running over to him.

"Patrick?" I asked. He lifted up his head exposing his cut up black eye. I gasped at the sight.

"You have a big house" he said with a smile as the tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Patrick what happened!?" I asked getting insanely over protective.

"Nothing" he said starting to sob. I sat down next to him pulling him into a tight hug. He sobbed on my chest drenching my suit. When he finally started to calm down he explained himself a bit better.

"My boyfriend" he whispered. I felt my eyes widen a bit.

"He did this to you?" I asked. He nodded trying to dry his eyes with the sleeves of his cardigan.

"Why?" I demanded. How could anyone want to hurt this beautiful angel?

"I don't know" he whimpered. I hugged him tighter rocking him in my arms. This is so painful to watch. But what's even more painful is that I'm not sure why I care so much. All I wanted from him was sex but now I feel like I want something more. I'm not sure what. Love? I don't know.

"Patrick why'd you come to me?" I asked stroking his hair.

"I knew you'd be the one person to comfort me because I know you just wanna sleep with me" he mumbled. I bit my lip looking down at him. Not with lust. No this was a loving look.

"That's not all I want Patrick" I whispered. He looked back up at me laying his head in my lap.

"What do you want then?" he asked. I simply shrugged.

"I don't want to use you Patrick. I don't want to lose you either"

"Sounds like you want a relationship Pete" he mumbled. I shrugged again.

"Perhaps" I mumbled smiling. He smirked a bit sitting up slightly. I ran my finger over that black eye of his and left a small kiss on it. I kissed his nose lightly as well. Then his cheek.

"Pete" he mumbled.


"Remember when you said you'd be the reason I was unfaithful?" he asked.

"Course" I mumbled. He kissed me. Lightly at first. Then I pulled him in deeper. He tasted of coffee and strawberries. I never thought I'd like that combination. The kiss got more heated as his tongue swirled around my mouth tasting every part of me. He pulled away resting his head on my shoulder.

"I wanna keep you safe Patrick" I mumbled kissing his temple. He smiled slightly.

"I want you to be the one to keep me safe" he mumbled back shutting his eyes. He fell asleep in a matter of seconds. I imagine this is the most sleep he's gotten today. He probably doesn't sleep in fear of getting hurt by his asshole boyfriend. I don't know how anyone could want to hurt this beauty. I picked him up taking him inside. I walked him up to my room laying him on my bed and covering him with my blankets. He looked so peaceful. As if the world was non existent. As if he had no troubles or worries. It was a beautiful sight. I walked back downstairs grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and sucking it down in seconds. I tossed it in the trash and grabbed my cell phone dialing Brendon's number.

"Hey asshat" he said into the phone.

"Hey dickhead listen up I need you to look up Patrick Stump"

"Okay I'm on it" I heard him typing away at his laptop.

"Okay he's a 29 year old man who lives with his boyfriend Luke Janston an-"

"Okay Bee click on Luke Janston and tell me about him' He typed a few more thing then clicked on some stuff.

"Says he was arrested for beating up Patrick so badly he almost died then he was released a few years later there have been no reports since" he mumbled. I almost dropped my phone after hearing this.

"Okay thanks bee see you later"

"Bye bro"

I hung up straight after. How dare he touch Patrick like that.

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