Chapter 2: World Fair

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Chicago, Illinois : 1893

Mobius opened another time door leading them to the same place, just a different time. When they emerged from the door in 1893, they were shocked to see how much it changed.

What was once a small, slightly run down town, was now a bright and festive carnival.

"This can't be the same place." Loki denied.

Mobius' eyes widened. "Yes, yes! How could I have forgotten. Chicago World's Fair, 1893. The White City, Edison, H.H. Holmes. Yes! Hot air balloons."

(Y/n) looked around in awe. "This makes more sense as a destination."


"Are you saying they went to 1868 by mistake? And then they jumped ahead 25 years because this is where they wanted to be?" Loki guessed.

Mobius shook his head. "No, no. I wouldn't describe Renslayer as accident prone. Plus, if she has Miss Minutes there to help her, there's definitely a purpose to them going here earlier. We just gotta figure it out. I mean, if they're here, we'll find them."

"If they're here." Loki repeated.

"Only one way to find out."

"Which is?"

"Well, you start by looking. A little good old fashioned legwork. Clues, breadcrumbs, that sort of thing." Mobius explained as they passed by a boy selling newspapers.

"Liberty Bell Day to debut on the Fourth of July! Ghost clock continues to haunt the midway!"

The three of them froze at that last statement and turned around to approach the kid.

"Hey, let me see that." Mobius bought a paper from the kid and looked at the cover to see a drawing of Miss Minutes on it. "What do you call that?"

"Breadcrumb." Loki answered.



(Y/n), Mobius, and Loki exited the Chinese Village and Theatre, each holding a bag of Cracker Jacks.

"Okay, so we've been to Chinese Pavilions, Bulgarian Curiosities..."

"A not-so-brief detour for refreshments, yes." Loki grumbled.

"Yeah. The Cracker Jack concession stand is a high traffic area. It was necessary and logical to go there." Mobius excused.


"The fact that's it's tasty is a bonus." (Y/n) added, popping one in her mouth. "But you wouldn't know, because you haven't tried it."

"Okay." Loki took a piece and ate it. "It tastes like ash." He complained.

"It does not." (Y/n) argued.

"Can we get a move on?" He requested. "We aren't sightseeing."

"We're not sightseeing." Mobius denied. "We have different styles. You're a man of action which is fine. I take a more slow, deliberate, cerebral approach. I see everything, I notice everything."

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