Chapter 2: The Sky is Falling

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"We're answering to the Judges Council now?" B-15 asked with slight disbelief.

"Okay, they probably heard the rumors..." Mobius started.

Behind them, Loki and (Y/n) turned the corner to the hallway they were walking down, appearing behind them.

(Y/n) reached to grab Loki's arm in excitement just as he opened his mouth to call out to him.


As soon as (Y/n) hand met Loki's arm, the two disappeared again.

"Let's just ease them into it." Mobius suggested, not noticing what happened behind him.

"We're just gonna tell them the truth."

"Agreed, but gently."

They came up to the double doors that lead to the war room, where they saw D-90 exiting. He looked over at Mobius with a guilty expression.

"Mobius, I was just doing my job."

Mobius raised his brows. "What, you mean pruning me? Yeah, well, I guess you were just following orders. It's actually Renslayer who owes me the apology."

"What's the mood like in there?" B-15 asked.

D-20 didn't speak. He just gave them a look, that was definitely not positive, and walked away.


Loki and (Y/n) appeared in the same spot they just were, and marched down the hall. Loki threw open the doors to the war room only to find it empty.

"What? People should be in here." (Y/n) said.

"We must be in the past again." Loki deduced.

They entered the empty room and started looking around. Although they didn't have to look for long.

On the back wall of the room, there were carvings of Kang's face from different perspectives. The one in the front seeming to stare right at them.


In the present war room, the carvings of Kang had been replaced with a mural of the Time Keepers.

Four people were sitting in the chairs of a large table shaped like a triangle, and the decapitated robotic head of one of the Time Keepers was laying on top of it.

X-5 was in the room, next to an older woman with sharp features and hair pulled back into a tight low bun. She wore a general's uniform and a stern expression as she and the other people in the room listened to a recording of Loki explaining the truth.

"You're all Variants! The Time Keepers didn't create you. They kidnapped you from the timeline and erased your memories. Memories Sylvie can access through enchantment. So before this you had a past, maybe you had a family, a life."

The recording ended as Mobius and B-15 entered the room. Another older woman in a wheelchair hit a button to stop the recording.

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