Chapter 2: The End of the World

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Back on Lamentis -1, more flying rocks came hurtling down at the moon. The city was on fire and the distant screams of people could be heard over the booming impacts of flaming debris.

Just outside the city, Sylvie was sitting on a rock, just staring off into the distance.

Loki and (Y/n) slowly walked over to where she was. (Y/n) had her arms wrapped around herself, and Loki had one arm wrapped around her, running along her forearm trying to comfort her.

They both sat down on a rock that was next to Sylvie and they all sat in silence, as chaos ensued around them.

"I'm sorry." Loki apologized to both of them.

Sylvie nodded in acknowledgment. "I remember Asgard. Not much, but I remember. My home, my people, my life.

"The universe wants to break free, so it manifests chaos. Like me being born the Goddess of Mischief. And as soon as that created a big enough detour from the Sacred Timeline, the TVA showed up, erased my reality, took away my best friend, and took me prisoner. I was just a child. I escaped. Stole a TemPad and I ran for a long, long time, which really sucked. Everywhere and every-when I went, it caused a Nexus Event. Sent up a smoke flare. Because I'm not supposed to exist. Until, eventually, I figured out where to hide. And so that's where I grew up. The ends of a thousand worlds. And now...that's where I'll die."

(Y/n) leaned forward and placed a hand on her forearm. "I'm glad you exist." She said with a small shrug.

Sylvie gave her a small smile and placed her hand over the one on her arm. "Thanks."

"...I remember Asgard too." (Y/n) confessed.

Loki and Sylvie both snapped their gaze to her.

"You do?" Loki asked.

She nodded. "I lied before. I did see some of my memories. I saw Asgard, me fighting in battles...and I...I remember how we met." She told Loki.

"Why did you try to deny it?"

She shrugged. "The TVA was all I knew before. It was my home. The people there were like my family. I guess I didn't want to accept that it was all a lie. And the fact that I've been doing the exact same thing that they did to me, I...does that make me a bad person?"

Loki quickly shook his head. "No. You're not a bad person. You didn't know what you were doing. You thought you were helping. That's what I like about you, you're always willing to help people. Whether they deserve it or not."

"He's right." Sylvie agreed. "You saved my life when we first got here. You didn't have to, but you did."

"See? You hung around with two Loki Variants all day and managed to not kill either of us the whole time. That takes great strength." Loki joked.

(Y/n) laughed lightly.

He smiled at her. "You know, I meant it when I said I thought you were wonderful."

She gazed into his eyes. "Thank you. And for the record, I don't hate you. And I'm sorry I hit you."

Loki waved it off. "I did kind of deserve it."

The two of them smiled, silently gazing into each other's eyes.

"Not long now..." Sylvie commented, seeing larger chunks of the planet coming right for them. "Do you think that what makes a Loki a Loki is the fact that we're destined to lose?"

"No." Loki denied. "We may lose. Sometimes painfully. But we don't die. I mean, you did. You were just a child when the TVA took you, but you nearly took down the organization that claims to govern the order of time."

(Y/n) nodded. "Yeah. I've worked for them for a long time, and I have never seen a Variant like you before. I mean, you ran rings around us...them. And you did it all on your own. You're amazing." She complimented.

Sylvie gave her a grateful smile.

A large chunk of the planet crashed onto the moon's surface, sending up a large wave of destruction.

(Y/n) instantly grabbed Loki and Sylvie's hands in her own, and the three watched the wave of destruction coming right for them.

(Y/n) felt a hand on her cheek, that made her turn and look up at Loki.

"Hey, just look at me, alright?" He told her. "I'm right here."

Tears welled up in her eyes, as she looked at him. Loki's eyes welled up as well, thinking of how they had both died the first time. How painful it was for him. But at least he was still with her. And that was all that mattered to him.

Loki kept his hand on her cheek, and slowly started to lean towards her, waiting for any sign that she didn't want him to. But instead of pulling away, (Y/n) started to lean in as well.

Loki was inches away from getting to kiss her, when two familiar orange doors opened up behind them.

They were saved!

And incredibly screwed...


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