Chapter 3: Interrogation

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Mobius, Loki, (Y/n) and B-15 stood outside an orange door that had a small circular window in it. Through that window, they could see Brad sitting alone on a singular stool in the middle of the room with his back facing them.

"Okay, let's keep this simple. "Where's Dox, where's Sylvie, and what did he do to that TemPad. That's all we need to find out. Okay? But of course, Brad knows us and he knows our tactics. But that's what makes for an interesting chess match. Most of all, Brad's an asshole. So don't let him get under your skin. Okay? Loki."

Loki gave him an innocent look and shrugged. "What?"

Mobius opened the door and the four of them stepped inside. Brad turned around on the stool to greet them.

"Oh, welcome back. Why don't you take this Time Collar off and treat me like someone who outranks you." Brad requested.

"I don't work here." Loki reminded him.

"Oh, that's a good point. You should stop talking." Brad snarked.

"Hey, what were you doing down there on the Sacred Timeline?" Mobius asked.

"Making movies."

"Don't waste our time, X-5." B-15 warned.

"It's Brad. Bradley." He corrected.

"Right, Brad. Let's cut to the chase, shall we?" Loki pulled out the TemPad. "What did you do to this TemPad?"

"It blocks your trackers."

"No it doesn't."

"Yeah, no shit."

"What was it designed for, X-5?"

"It's Brad. And under whose authority are you holding me here? Because looking around this room, I do not see anyone ranking high enough to make that call."

"I don't need approval to detain a Hunter who abandoned his post." B-15 told him.

Brad sighed. "That's good. That's good. But weren't you the one blabbering on and on about how we all had lives on the timeline? Well, I went down and got my life. What exactly are you mad at me about?"

"There are lives at stake." Loki cut in.

Brad shifted his gaze to him. "There are lives at stake? Oh, you've got some nerve. 'There are lives at stake.' Everyone here knows what you're doing, you know? You're just trying to make up for all the terrible, awful shit you've done in your life, you pathetic little man."

Loki inhaled deeply, and (Y/n), sensing his anger, tried to diffuse the situation. "Okay, that's enough."

"No, no, love. No, it''s riveting. Keep going. I want to hear more." Loki insisted.

Brad nodded. "Good. See, everything you and Sylvie have ever done to try to help, has only ever made it worse."

"Is that right?"

"See, I've read your file. It's you. You're the problem. Every time we've ever found a you. Problem is, you think you're special, but you're not. So it doesn't matter what outfit you put on, play dress up or what little lies you tell your friends or even the lies you tell yourself. At the end of the day, you just make everything worse. For Mobius, for B-15, for your mother..." Brad nodded towards (Y/n), who was standing slightly behind Loki. "For (Y/n)."

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