🍊Tower Waltz🫐💮Hypertana

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AN: For easier reference, Katana's name is Hofuku, Fuku for short, and Hyperlaser's name is Fynn. Request by BRIAR_BETA

"Oh- would you like to climb up the tower?" Fynn looks up at Fuku. Under his helmet, he was slightly fearful. He was used to being high up all the time, but THAT high up. Making his body shiver. Fuku looks down at him, a bit worried. "Are you not used to heights?"

"I am. I'm just-...not good at climbing"

"Right, right." Fuku taps his foot as he looks up at the large monument right in front of them. Fuku picks Fynn up by his waist, causing the smaller male to yelp.


"Hold on tight." He pulls out his long grapple from his pocket, slinging it far until a 'clack!' is heard from far away. As the grapple was hooked onto it, it slowly rose them up. Fuku races and leaps off the ground, making them go up faster. Fynn admired his bravery. He always has. Before he realized how high up they were already. He squirmed as he tried not to think about it. "Friend, don't squirm too much. We might fall if you do."


"Just stay still for now." Fynn, out of fear, froze up completely, not even breathing until he felt Fuku's feet hit the ground of the large platform at least a quarter way up the tower. Fuku puts him down, letting him roam. He surprisingly roamed a bit. He looked down on the city with big neon letters and phunky music playing on speakers. He felt some sort of calm despite experiencing one of his big fears. He was a heights guy. But he's never climbed the tower. Maybe the side of it every once in a while. But no more than that. The highest he's ever been that he could compare to this is Doomspire. But that's it. And it's only when you spawn either in or you spawn back in. But he was spellbound to the lights in such dark surrounding the city. Fuku sat right next to him as he looked down on the world. "High, isn't it?"

"Fairly. But I don't mind it." There is a silence between the older men as they sit together. Fynn gently leans onto Fuku. Fuku instinctively wraps an arm around him gently, praying he is comfortable with it. As they sit, Fuku's once-clear mind wanders into a field of dandelions. He revisits memories he has made with Fuku as he thinks a bit about different things they would do together. What they would talk about. What their days would be like before it. The silence is deafening as they are both in their own thoughts. Fuku begins thinking about a long-forgotten memory in his big book of Fynn in his mind. Scenarios ring through his head. But one catches his eye as he snaps back into reality. Which he tells Fynn about.

"Dancing?" Fynn tips his head, his feet hanging from the Crossroads' neon monument.

"Have you never danced before?"

"There has never been a reason to dance. Let alone outside."

"How so?"

"Blackrock is brisk. It is always snowing."

"Well, yes, I believe you."

"I believe Pyro has told me about something like dancing. Called...breakdancing?"

"Subspace? A breakdancer? In his dreams." The two share a laugh, Fynn playfully punching Fuku's arm. "No, but I mean it. Not even at a concert?"

"I don't go to concerts."

"Remind me to do that with you, too, then."

"I'll make sure not to." Fuku stands up, brushing his gi off and holding out a hand for Fynn.

"May I have a dance?" Fynn looks like he is staring at Fuku, but is a bit taken aback by his request. He lets out a small chuckle before taking the gentle hand. Fuku pulls him onto his feet, one hand on his and the other clasped by their fingers together as one. Fuku has a sweet smell. Like cherry blossoms and vanilla. His hands were big, like a giant. But gentle like a pillow. There is a feeling of comfort. "Follow my lead." Fuku takes a strategic step back, making Fynn take a step forward. Fynn wasn't very graceful when it came to stuff like this. But he would try for him. The two swayed from side to side, moving their feet together, Fynn being delayed by a bit due to this being the first time he'd ever danced. Let alone, waltzed. He slips up, accidentally stepping on Fuku's foot. Fuku's grip grew a bit as he grunted. Fynn was wearing dress boots while Fuku was wearing geta sandals with traditional socks. So it was practically like being stepped on purely.


"No no, it's fine. Keep trying." Fynn took his foot off Fuku's as they continued swaying and spinning with one another. Fynn made mistakes every few seconds for a bit. Those seconds began slowly turning into minutes, and then every once in a while. He was getting better. And Fuku was proud of him. He wanted to do something rather surprising, though. He took Fynn's hand, pulling it above his head. He spun him around like a ballerina before dipping him off the side of the platform. Their eyes met beyond their face coverings before Fynn's vision went a bit blurred, and then his vision was completely riddled with blurs he could not make out. All he heard was- "It's okay. I've got it." His helmet came off. It was the one thing preventing him from being completely blind. His


"Fuku. Call me Fuku."

"You know I can't see without the...?"

"You look gorgeous." Fynn's words cease as he feels himself get hot. He couldn't see. But he felt upwards, his hands feeling his toned chest, riddled with scars. The top scars under his chest, the battle scars inflicted onto him. And the unmasked face of Fuku. He could feel scars. One on his eye, one small one on his lip, and another on his cheek.



"I want my helmet back. I need to see you."

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

"Right. I know you don't like-"

"But. I will make an exception for you." Fuku gently slips the helmet back onto his head. The Blackrock logo flashes in Fynn's vision. Before he sees the man standing in front of him. Fuku.

"...Katana...I would have never pictured you as more beautiful." He places a hand on Fuku's cheek, smiling under his helmet. Fuku looks right into where his eyes would be. Fynn returns the favor by looking back. Fuku lifts his helmet, seeing Fynn's smile. He wanted to try it again. He lifts Fynn's hand, twirling him again before dipping him. Once he does, he stops the smile from being shown to others, pressing his lips against Fynn's. Fynn kisses back after taking in the situation, his hands rubbing against Fuku's hair and his scarred face as the gives the dark black sky an Augenbrine hue. Four words are uttered from Fuku's mouth as their lips part. They make Fynn shudder before continuing to kiss once again;

"You're perfect for me..."

Word count:1180

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