🍋Leg Day||SkateShot🛹🏹

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AN:I put the names on my profile AND in a story. I won't be saying the simplicity thing anymore. You guys should know. If not, go to my profile. The names are there.

Vinney gently leans against Leo, the two demons riding the express back to Vin's apartment. After a long hard day, the two were exhausted. Leo's head ached from how many people them or who ran into him, and Vinney's legs hurt from running and jumping around. Leo sighed as he looked at the citrus-colored sky, listening to the purrs in his ear. Vinney's heaving chest rubs against his arm as he wraps both his around Leo's arm.

The chugging of the express's tracks doesn't stop him from resting well on Leo's arm. Leo chuckled, wrapping a gentle arm around his body. After a bit, the train stops, announcing they have arrived in Thieves' Den. Visitors or people who live there get off the train, including Lugging Vinney up onto his feet to get him to start walking. His legs were quivering from the overworking. "Geez. I could never run like how you do."


"Every day is leg day for you, huh?"

"You've never worked on your legs?"

"Nope! The only time I do this is when I'm on my board or picking up speed. You could say it's more head day every day for me."

"That's what your mom tells me every night--"

"Oh, hush." Leo chuckled as the two stepped into Vin's place. Shizen, Nori, and Fuku greet him and Leo as they set down their shoes by the door. They greet back as they step up the stairs. They walked down the hallway to a door decorated with cat stickers and photos with a wood nameplate on the front saying, Vinney. They enter and sit down together on the bed. Vinney sighed as his legs could finally rest.

"Thank GOD I can lay down...!"

"I guess you're right about that." The two sit for a bit, talking about the battles and such and good strategies to catch enemies off guard. The topic of legs comes up again, Leo once again mentioning he doesn't use or work out his legs often. "They only look good cuz I got some good genes."

"Well, at least they're not all skin and bones!"

"Yeah. Fuku says it's because I eat a lot. I don't think so, though! I think I eat a pretty decent amount."

"Oh please! You eat like a boar!"

"Hey!" Vinney giggles, looking down at Leo's legs. "... yeah???"

"Wanna try working on your legs?"

"No way, for all I know, you'll break them in half!!"

"I wouldn't. Vine helps me with it sometimes."

"That's how I KNOW it'll hurt!!"

"She wouldn't hurt a fly!!"

"She looks like the type of girl to look all pretty and shy, but I know she would break her legs if she could!"

"Just lay down! It'll be fine!" Leo hesitated for Vinney. It was for Vinney. He lay on his back, looking up at the ceiling as he began to sweat. Vin grabbed Leo's right ankle, getting onto the bed for a good angle as he lifted it slowly. It felt pretty nice to Leo until he heard a nasty crack come from his side, causing him to groan and grip his side. "Oh jeez- sorry!"

"It's fine...just warn me." Vinney nods, grabbing the other ankle and lifting it as well. It also responds with a painful crack. The pain went away shortly after.

"You don't crack your legs often, huh?"

"Nah...Med says I'm too stiff all the time."

"He knows a thing or two. Crack your body sometimes. Even if it's not every day."

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