🔨🩷💉CrystalHammer||Reunion pt.1||Fluff/Lime

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So the person that wanted this didn't want 2 parts but golly I wrote a little too much for my liking so the next part is gonna be a smut chapter. I made this all in one day. I started at 8 and finished at like, I think 10 where I live.(I locked in for this one). Also I gave Subspace the pp and Medkit the coochie meow-meow this time around since they want bottom Meddy. :3

"Would you let him go, you british moron!?"

"I told you the next time you even try to talk to me--"

"Hey now, Meddy! Not too rough with the grip there! ~" Pyro cackled sadistically, a big smile under his mask. Luther gripped his collar angrily. His other fist, balled up by his side and ready in case the pink freak tries anything. Tremor grabs both of them by the backs of their shirts and lifts them off the ground.

"Both of you stop it! I ain't come here t' babysit your dumbasses so that MEDKIT doesn't rip your eye out along with your brain." Tremor gives Pyro a dirty look from under his blindfold, then looks over at Luther, who had his arms folded angrily, looking back at Tremor. "Or so SUBSPACE doesn't shove a mine in your mouth and make you bite down on it!"

"Then why am I here?! I'd like to see teal freak try his hand at that!"

"Oh, I'll rip more that your brain out if that's the case. YOUR SKULL'S COMING WITH IT." Luther claws at Pyro while Pyro talks like he can take it. Tremor pulls them farther away from each other. He was clearly getting frustrated despite not even being able to see his eyes in general.

"Ladies ladies! No need to kill each other! There's a reason you guys are here I promise. Just promise me when I put you down you won't kill each other." The two rivals think about it, looking up at Ban Hammer, then looking at one another, thinking very cautiously.

"...stay on the other side of Ban Hammer from me. And no less than that. And keep your little round claws away from me"

"Don't try manipulating me into coming back to Blackrock."

"Deal!" Pyro nods. The two finally felt solid ground as they looked up at Tremor. They give each other dirty looks when Tremor isn't looking though as they walk to an undisclosed location. Wait...where WERE they even going? "Hey. 4 eyes. You mind telling us where we're going instead of walking in a random direction?"

"Glad you asked, you pink freak of nature." Pyro growled at the passive aggressive comment from Tremor. "We're headin' t' Blackrock's finest bar."

"A bar? You want...me and that abomination...to work our differences out in a bar. And a bar in Blackrock, too."

"Nothin' brings people together like a couple o' drinks!" Tremor drags the two along behind them.

"A chance Meddy'll get shot in the mouth? Great! Someone ought to shut him up!"

"Another bit of yammering out of you and I'll pump you with lead?"

"You mean your...ehem...pellets?"

"Touch talk from someone who looks like a pellet?"

"How about I pellet your face with my fist!?"

"Try me." Pyro was about to round Tremor to get to Luther before Tremor stopped them both from trying to kill each other for the 3rd time since seeing each other. They did this a few more times, while walking, on the train to Blackrock, and even when they were quite literally almost there. But so, he didn't have to break up the almost 5th fight today, he dragged them inside as soon as they got to the bar, the two reluctantly agreeing. Luther and Pyro sat at the end of the bar, a seat between one another since it was as far as they could possibly get from each other.

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