Chapter 3

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"Now that the two of you have calmed down. May I get your names?"

"Devola, sir!"

"Popola, sir!"

Gray found himself staring at the androids who had finally calmed down after a few minutes. He could only hold a strained smile as they were quite formal with him. "Just Gray is fine. There's no reason to be so formal."

"We...we possibly couldn't! That would be disrespectful for us mere androids!" Popola looked oddly frightened or in a sense, panicked for suggesting to them to call him by his name. Her sister also looked equally panicked at the suggestion.

"There's nothing disrespectful about calling me by my name. Also, don't belittle yourselves. The two of you are more than mere androids. If anything compared to me, you're far better than a mere human like me." It was hypocritical of him to tell them to not belittle themselves yet he did the same thing—Why are they shaking their heads at his words?

"Nonsense, sir! You're a human. Our gods." Devola said with exaggeration in his eyes. "You're one of our creators. So it's normal for us to be respectful. It will be rude to refer to you as an equal."

"Creators you say?" Turning around, he went through the portal and looked back at the two, and signaled them to come through. In response to his signal, they followed quite quickly in response as he noticed how they looked around the bunker from his side. "Was there a reason that androids were created?"

"Androids were created to serve and fight for humanity. Sir, how do you not know this?" Popola asked with confusion. Her confusion also continued to spiral when she looked at the bunker full of equipment. Human technology...not busted or broken relics as they have seen in the Resistance Camp.

"I guess you can say we don't have quite the knowledge of the world..."


Popola and Devola widened their eyes as they recalled the man's words from before. He—no, "they" were sent out to investigate. Does that mean all the equipment here is because there are more humans!?

They recalled Gray speaking about some humans residing on the lunar base which is the moon. The space station which means YoRHa...he also said that there were many on the surface.

"When you say, 'we'. You mean there's other humans?" Devola asked with anxiety. Humans, to meet their creators is a miracle and one of the greatest things that could happen to an android. However, the problem is that there are humans on Earth! Their creators are on a machine-infested planet! What is YoRHa thinking letting them be on the surface!?

Perhaps YoRHa is with the others. That's right...the other humans are safely being protected by YoRHa soldiers... Devola thought logically. Why else would humans be on Earth? still doesn't make sense. Why would YoRHa allow humans to be sent down knowing all the dangers that reside? Was it a direct order from the Council of Humanity? She kept thinking and thinking but then her eyes felt like widening as she recalled a crucial piece of information.

"Yes. The entire city here is our temporary quarters until we've gathered enough Intel on what lies beyond the portal." Gray told the two the circumstances. "Hmph. If only we knew beforehand what we were going to deal with. At best my squad and I investigated this place to locate the source of the energy. But then it turns out a portal is here and so more people were deployed here to stay and investigate with us if what we're dealing with is a threat."

"But why couldn't YoRHa investigate instead? You're all at risk by being here on the surface." Popola said as she couldn't find a logical reason for why their creators were sent down knowing they may be harmed. She stressed her voice to show distress. "It will still take a long time until the machine lifeforms are dealt with so that the Earth can be reclaimed once again and it will be safe for humans..." She frowned, her concern overwhelming her.

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