I want you forever

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"I want you forever,
even when we're not together"

"She's so pretty." i think while admiring y/n. She might not know who i am but Im to nervous to talk to her so i just sit back and admire from afar. Yes it may sound crazy and creepy but who cares!

Im walking in the school halls and see y/n coming my way. "Hey Walker!" she says as she smiles and waved. "Hey y/n.." I say while waving back looking so confused. She knows my name..? I've never talked to her how does she know my name...

"Hey man! You good?" Aryan says as he comes up to me in the halls. "Y/n knows my name.." i say as im zoned out a little bit. Aryan then starts to push me to the door so we can go home.

"Oh yeah i told her your name she was asking about you." Aryan responded nonchalantly while still pushing me. WHAT! I think as i stop and look at him with wide eyes.

"What..?" i asked while looking at him. "Yeah man, she came up to me and asked who you were she thinks your cool and wanted to hangout with us today so i invited her." Aryan says while texting someone on his phone.

"YOU WHAT?!?!" I say with wide eyes and my mouth open. "Yeah man." Aryan says while turning his phone off and looking at me. "Look bro we got to go my mom's here to pick us up." Aryan says as he pushes me to his car.


We get to Aryans house and we have an hour till y/n and leah get here. And my god i am so nervous. i'm just sitting there still in shock on Aryans bed.

"Bro come on don't act all weird!" Aryan says as he looks at me. "Aryan you just invited my crush to our hangout." I say while looking at him.

"Soo?" Aryan asked dragging out the o. "Maybe you can get enough courage to actually ask her out." Aryan added on. "Aryan she didn't even know my name till a few hours ago! What do you mean?!?" I quickly snapped at him. Aryan then rolled his eyes as he got a text message.

"Look she's here, don't act weird just act like..." Aryan took a pause "Walker just act like Walker." Aryan finished off as he left his room to go open the door. I am so nervous...


"Man he's so dreamy.." I say to Leah while she's sitting next to me watching me admire this kid with curly blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Girl you don't even know his name." She says as she looks at me. Aryan then came up to us. "Hey guys!" he says as he sits down. He opens his mouth to say something but i cut him off.

"Hey Aryan who's your friend with curly blonde hair and blue eyes.?" I asked while looking at him.

"Oh walker?" Aryan asked. So his name is Walker i think to myself. "Yeah him!" I say while pointing at the kid.

"Yeah that's Walker! Why do you wanna know?" Aryan asked after confirming his best friends name. "Oh i-" I start to say but get cut off by leah. "She thinks he's cute." She said while looking at her phone.

"LEAH!" I say while hiding my face. "Oh well he actually thinks you're cute too. Dont tell him i told you that though.." Aryan said. So he thinks i'm cute too??


So I hung out with Leah Aryan and Walker about a month ago. And my god I think I might be in love with Walker..

Me and him exchanged numbers and we have been talking ever since! We started flirting with each other and i think we might be in the talking stage because we told each other we liked each other.

I was scrolling on my phone then I got a text message from Walker.

I want you forever,

Even when we're not together...


And the rest is history...

Idk what to think about the ending on this one tbh

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