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"I'm so stupid!" I yell to Aryan as he answered his call. "Woah what's wrong?" He immediately asked me.

"Why did I ask fucking scarlet to be my girlfriend?!? I don't like her!" I yell while covering my face with my hands.

Aryan just stayed silent. "It's Y/n I need Aryan! I'm so fucking stupid!" I yelled again. "Ok calm down Walker." Aryan said trying to calm me down.

"Calm down?!? I mess up! I don't want to make it seem like I used Scarlet Aryan!" I exclaimed. "I know Walker. And you didn't use Scarlet you just didn't realize that Y/n was in front of you that whole time." Aryan said calmly.

I just nodded my head. "Here's what you're gonna do Walker." Aryan said to me.

"Why would he go with Scarlet! What does she have that I don't!" I said while talking to Lillian. "He's just a stupid teenage boy Y/n." She said to me calmly.

How can she be so calm right now?!? "I don't care if he's a stupid teenage boy. I was right in front of him and he was to blind to see that!" I said while falling face first onto my bed.

Lillian started rubbing my back. "I'm sure he's realized he's messed up Y/n." She said. "But I have to go so I love you and i'll see you later ok." Lillian said while getting up.

"Ok i love you too. See you later." I say while curling up in a ball. I hear the front door close after a few minutes and i'm left alone in silence.

All of a sudden my bedroom door swings open and I let out the loudest scream. "Woah Y/n chill it's just me." Walker said with his hands up.

I roll my eyes "Leave Walker." I say sternly. "Look I messed up Y/n..." He said softly while looking down at the floor.

I stay silent so Walker continued. "Listen Y/n you're the one i want, you're the one I need!" he exclaimed to me. "Walker." I start but he cuts me off.

"I'm begging you please! Can you come back to me? Cause I was blind to see that you were right in front of me!" He said while stepping closer to me.

"Really?" I ask him. "Oh my lovely your all I see. Let me love you. Baby it's all i'll do!" He said while grabbing my hands.

I smile up at him and he smiles down at me. "I broke up with Scarlet because Y/n I want you.." He said softly to me.

"Well I want you too Walker." I said back to him. Me and Walker just sat there smiling like idiots. We leaned in and our lips touched. It was the best kiss ever.

But then it dawned on me how did he get into my house?

I broke out of the kiss and asked "Wait how did you get into my house?" "Lillian let me in after giving me a lecture outside.." He said embarrassed.

I just laughed "Of course she would." Walker laughed with me and leaned in again.

After that kiss he laid down with me. "Will you be my girlfriend Y/n?" He asked me softly. "Of course I will Walker!" I say softly back while cuddling into him.

Heyyyy guys sorry i've been gone for a little bit i've just been super busy
and i promise ill get those requests in as soon as possible

Walker Scobell imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now