Girl Meets Boy Part 2

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1900+ Words

(Third POV)

The group of 5 were now walking around the New York City Library and Gavin, who had been there many times before, immediately went to his section of the holds so he could grab the books that were there for him to read.

"What is this place?" Riley asked as she looked around the library like a lost dear.

"This is where the ancients stored all of their wisdom," Farkle said dramatically.

"Look at all of those..." Maya said as the 4 of them stared at the floor-to-ceiling shelf of books.

"Books." Farkle finished for her.

"Books," Riley and Maya said like they were in a trance or something.

"Seriously," Gavin said, making the others jump and turn to the boy who had about 4 books in his arms. "Have none of you been to a library, or hell even a bookstore?"

"Where did you go, you just poofed you next to me one second and gone the next. And how did you know what books we would need that fast." Lucas asked as he pointed to the books in the smaller boy's arms.

"Oh these, no these aren't for the project, I had some books on hold so I figured I'd pick them up when I was here so I don't have to worry about coming back till I have to return them," Gavin said as he put down the book on a nearby table.

"But I'm sure I could find the right book pretty fast. I know most of the libraries in New York by heart but this one I know the most is my favorite.

"You've been here before!" Maya and Riley exclaimed, making Gavin wince as a high-pitched tone came from his hearing aids.

"SHHH." The little older librarian shushed them from behind the desk.

"Gah." The five kids called back as they jumped not knowing she was there.

"There's one of those ancients now," Farkle said dramatically.

"Don't call her that, dude," Gavin said as he resituated his hearing aids so they weren't ringing in his ears anymore.

As Farkle kept talking like he was in one of Gavin's fantasy books the boy then walked off to get some books off the shelf that might help them.

"Would you do me a favour, Farkle?" The librarian asked the boy.

"Oh, you know I will," Farkle said, still trying to flirt with the older woman.

"Would you go over there and... SHHHH," she said as she pointed to the tables by the desk she was at. "Not only is this a library but too much noise makes Gavin's hearing aids malfunction."

"Thanks, Edith and while we're here I'll check these out and just so you know we'll be using these as well," Gavin said as he put down two separate stacks of books onto her desk.

"Not a problem sweetheart, do you have your card with you this time," Edith asked as she gave Gavin a pointed look.

"Oh come on that was one time like months ago, are you ever going to let me live that down?" the boy asked as he pulled out the library card he had gotten.

"Never," the woman known as Edith said with a sweet smile. "There you are darling."

"Thanks, Edith," Gavin said as he walked over to the desks and put down a few books in front of Maya Riley and Farkle while holding onto his own and a few for him and Lucas to look over.

It took them a little while more specifically it took Gavin a while to open up and be able to hold a normal conversation with Lucas. It was easier for him to do in school because he knew that he always had an escape if he needed it, such as needing to go to class. But here in the library, it was his safe space and he didn't want that feeling to be tarnished with negative experiences so he tried and finally he and Lucas got into the swing of studying and held a consistent conversation.

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