False Hypnopompia

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Life it seemed settled into a new familiar. Tighnari continued to meet Kaveh for their therapy sessions, though the frequency started to decrease from daily to only every other day as it seemed like progress was slowly being made. Kaveh had put much effort into moving forward with facing his inner and past demons despite days where it was harder than others. Nightmares still plagued his sleep from time to time, but it was less severe than in the beginning and easier to wake up from. Some mornings when he awoke, he found himself glancing over to the other side of the room to hope Alhaitham was there. Even if it didn't make sense for the scribe to be in the same room, the architect still in the back of his mind had hoped for a surprise visit.

But he would then remember that he pushed him away when they last saw each other. Maybe he finally listened for once, though it didn't give Kaveh much comfort in possibly being right. But he hated being a burden all the same. 

On the other side of his days, Kaveh found himself initially nerve-wracked when he and Nilou started taking his poems and writing music to suit their tone. He realized how terrible he was trying to figure out how to sing all the same and found himself re-learning with the dancer's helpful encouragement. Performing still made him uneasy, but Nilou assured Kaveh that it was normal to feel stage fright regardless of how many times someone faced a crowd. He only asked that they keep their project between themselves until he felt ready to reveal it.

Time passed until one night everyone decided to get together at Tighnari's for a long over due dinner together. The forest ranger made sure to send word to Alhaitham as well as Nilou. Part of the dinner was not only due to their not getting together in a while but to give praise to Kaveh for his progress overall. Tighnari felt it worth celebrating. 

As the agreed upon time drew closer, Alhaitham made his way down the path to Gandharva Ville and feeling a knot clutching to his stomach. There were many projects and issues that arose in the time he returned to Sumeru until that moment that prevented him from stopping by sooner to check in on his roommate. He found himself worrying if it would affect things more so than when they initially parted ways weeks ago. But he reminded himself it was about Kaveh, he would put his feelings aside if they meant he could be happier.

"Oh! Is that you Alhaitham?"

The sweet sounding voice drew the scribe's attention behind him to see Nilou waving and running toward him. She was carrying a basket of Harra Fruit, breads and spices with her for the dinner. He was surprised to see her, especially with how long it had been since they commented together at the Interdarshan Championship. He decided to stop and wait for the dancer to catch up to him.

"Nilou, it's been a while. How are you?"

"I'm well! I hope the same for you?" She smiled as the scribe nodded in response while they continued their journey together. "Still not much of a conversationalist?" 

"Not so much that, just a lot on my mind lately."

"Oh, I see. I'm sorry if it seemed like I was teasing."

"It's fine. You usually don't have ill intentions." He looked ahead down the path to their destination. "I didn't expect to see you today, I'll admit."

"Oh, Tighnari invited me. I've been helping out with some things with Kaveh." Suddenly a thought popped into Nilou's head. "Oh! We're all getting together in a week again but for a campfire. Everyone's going to do something fun like a talent or a display or story telling. Did you want to come?"

"I'll pass . . .sorry." Alhaitham knew he would not be comfortable being the only person not to offer something in that kind of setting. "But thank you for the offer."

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