Chap. One: Broken Bonds

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    Karmic debt; the collective wrath of deities long departed from this mortal realm. Just a gentle brush against it would be enough to drive most mortals mad... yet you've managed to keep it at bay for millennia.

    Oh, my sweet, brave Yaksha...

    Wait just a bit longer...

    I promise you... Once our paths cross, I will never leave your side...

✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩

    The weeping of the willows, their branches gently embracing those which sought refuge. The joyful cries of fox kits tumbling across the grass, their mother lounging beneath the dappled sunlight as she kept an eye out for danger. The babbling of a lonesome brook running down a predetermined path, its journey one that never ends.

    Entwined with these harmonies of nature was the singular warbling of an erhu, the soulful trill echoing out into the peaceful spring breeze not out of place within the symphony of the ethereal realm. Countless Glaze Lilies danced in pure joy as the melody fueled their growth, the luscious vigor of their petals rivaled by no other. A dapper traditional Liyuan estate sat nestled within a bed of wisteria trees, the pale lavender petals covering the ground in a sheet of soft silk. A large, round window served as a breach into a certain room of the estate, the wisteria flowers sometimes finding their way into the room.

    The erhu reached a crescendo as a string breeze rippled through the wisteria trees, sending a whirlwind of petals tumbling into the farthest reaches of the room, where a lone woman sat up on her bed.

    The music met an abrupt end as the woman's hands stilled, the sheer curtain of her wispy raven hair hiding her bent head's face from view.

    "Morax, to what do I owe the honor of this visit?" she murmured, the soft husk of her voice another melody of its own right, its trained lilt carefully controlled into a respectful, yet amused, query.

    "The honor is always mine, Ranfa," the familiar gravelly sound of the Geo Archon's voice replied as he stepped beyond the partitioning screen separating the woman's bed from the rest of her room. Ranfa raised her face, allowing her hair to settle against her shoulders as she quirked an eyebrow up, her ashen eyes narrowing at the unfamiliar form the Archon had chosen to don.

    "After nearly two decades of silence, you've chosen to show yourself wearing a skin that isn't your own. Should I at least be grateful to at least be able to recognize the face of my own brother?" she chuckled sardonically, setting her erhu gingerly upon her crossed legs and the bow to the side. "Cut to the chase. What are you doing here instead of ruling over your domain?"

    "Is it a crime to wish to visit my sickly younger sister?" Morax asked, holding up a small platter covered with a white cloth. "I've brought your favorite; roasted lotus crisps."

    "The questions should truly be whether it is a crime to visit your sister imprisoned within her own home," Ranfa snorted, nonetheless shifting to the side to make room for Morax to sit down.

    "You know that I can't afford to let you roam the outside world. What if you relapse and lose control again?" Morax gently reminded her as he uncovered the crisps, holding one up to her lips.

    She stared at it as it approached her lips, nearly going cross-eyed before she closed them and opened her mouth. Light crunches permeated the air as she chewed, her tense shoulders loosening slightly. "You worry too much. Three thousand years and you still treat me the same as when I first tripped over my own feet," Ranfa muttered, rubbing a crumb off of her bottom lip with her thumb and licking it. "If I lose control, then stick me in a camp of hillichurls and let me go wild. We both know that the only reason why you're keeping me here is because you don't know what I'll do when I meet the last of the Yaksha."

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