Chap. Four: Calm Before the Storm

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    "Lady Ranfa? What's wrong?" a young half-qilin girl with wavy sea-ice blue hair asked worriedly, her face half-buried into the older woman's stomach as she wrapped her arms around Ranfa's waist, her head cushioned on the woman's lap. The two were enjoying a cozy little tea party within the primordial dragons' estate, a sea of silken, hand-embroidered pillows surrounding them.

    Ranfa, in her youth before the Archon War, had had a brief hundred-year period where she was absolutely fascinated by mortal embroidery, and she had wracked up quite the extensive collection of pillows over that time. True to her draconic roots, she was too much of a hoarder to bear parting with any, resulting in pillows peppering every visible surface of the estate. It certainly served to be quite the comfortable abode.

    "Hm? Why would you think that something is wrong, Ganyu?" Ranfa asked with a sweet smile, tying off the small braid she weaved into the longer portion of the qilin's hair.

    "Your eyes look troubled," the ever-insightful girl said, her own purple-pink eyes shining with concern.

    "How sweet, you were watching me so well!" Ranfa praised Ganyu, the latter humming with happiness as her idol stroked the top of her head. "This is just a little personal matter; nothing to concern yourself over," Ranfa assured her, patting Ganyu's cheek.

    "Really...?" Ganyu asked, not quite convinced.

    "Really. Now..." Ranfa's smile turned a tad wicked as she lightly pinched Ganyu's cheeks. "Naughty girl, have you been starving yourself again? How many times have I told you to not do such unhealthy things?"

    "L-Lady Ranfa, how did you-?" Ganyu stammered nervously before she was interrupted.




    "~~!" Ganyu whined with embarrassment as she buried her face into Ranfa's stomach, her face radiating heat.

    "Did the incident with that one monster traumatized you?" Ranfa teased, fiddling with a stray curl of Ganyu's hair.

    "...Lady Ranfa had to fish me out of its throat," Ganyu whimpered, kicking her legs as she vibrated with humiliation.

    "It's perfectly healthy for a young, growing girl to have a little baby chub," Ranfa reassured her. "If you want to grow up big and strong, you need to eat properly. Otherwise..." Ranfa trailed off with a wicked grin as Ganyu raised her head with half curiosity, half apprehension. "You'll shrink and be forever pocket-sized!" Ranfa concluded mischievously.

    "!!!" Ganyu gulped, her eyes wide with terror.


    "One thinks that the Lady is teasing one's disciple too much," a disapproving voice scolded from behind Ranfa, and she looked up at the raven-haired beauty standing over her.

    "Cloud Retainer, it was a small jest. You're such a mother hen," Ranfa chuckled as she rubbed the spot where Cloud Retainer rapped her head with a knuckle.

    "One simply wishes to retrieve Ganyu for her training," Cloud Retainer huffed grumpily.

    "A-apologies! It was already this late?!" Ganyu panicked, hopping to her feet frantically and bowing multiple times.

    "One is not angered, for one knew that this would happen," Cloud Retainer stated blankly. "You are quite fond of Lady Ranfa, after all."

    "She's not the only one," Ranfa said with a teasing smirk. "I still treasure the music transcriber you gave me. It's so much easier to write music when it writes notes as I play them."

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