Chapter 8

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Vihaan called out, "Aahi wait, I wanna talk to you about something."

Aahi turned and looked at him and said, "If you want your yesterday's clothes I have given them to Ramu, oh and I gave the half taxi fare as well."

Vihaan nodded a no and said, "It's not that, and it would have been okay if you didn't give the half fare."

Aahi looked at him confused and asked, "Why not? 3500 is a big amount and it's only fair, plus I didn't want to become a burden as well."

Vihaan sighed and seeing her act so stiff around him, said, "I'm sorry okay?"

After a pause wanting to genuinely apologize he continued, "I shouldn't have said those things I said in the taxi, so I'm truly sorry and I don't regret saving you at all. In fact I'm happy that I could save you."

"The marriage happened with our consent and due to the situation, so it wasn't your fault, I didn't have the right to shout at you like that or say any of those words I said."

"Please forgive me, whatever I said was all due to frustration, which I shouldn't have at all no matter what the situation was. I shouldn't have acted that way and said things like responsibility and all. I know this all must be difficult and unbelievable for you as well, we are in this together, you are not alone in this okay? We will face everything till the end together. I'm truly sorry if my words hurt you."

Aahi giggled hearing him say so much, but she was truly happy with him apologizing.

Seeing Aahi giggling, Vihaan looked at her confused thinking what her response would be now, is she angry with him? Did she not like his apology? That's what Vihaan thought.

She replied to his apology, "Ah, it's okay, I can understand just why you were frustrated so let's just forget it and move on, but yes thank you for apologizing you did hurt me. Anyways, I will go now to talk with my family."

Saying that she turned around to leave, but Vihaan held her hand and said, "Wait!, there is something else I have to say."

Aahi turns around and Vihaan leaves her hand and says, "Actually I thought about it last night, I think chachu is right, we all should go to Mumbai together."

Aahi nodded a no and said, "No it's okay, I will manage."

Vihaan replied, "No, it's better to be safe than sorry. Just stay here na please? You know how dangerous those guys were and as I said we are in this together right! So I will be less worried about you if you are with me and even chachu will feel the same. You won't be any type of trouble at all! Plus as I said, we are in this together."

Aahi sighed and started to think, his offer was not bad, she knew she would be safe with him, because if he was a bad guy he wouldn't have helped her and after they got married he would have taken advantage of her but he did neither. But the main question was even if she accepts his offer what would she say at her home?

Aahi, then deciding to take his offer, asked, "But what will I say to my family?"

Vihaan smiled knowing she accepted the offer and said, "Do one thing you can tell them that your bus had some technical issues so you couldn't ride that one and the only ticket that was available was after 3 days."

Aahi nodded and said, "Okay I will convince them somehow. Thank you for the help!"

Vihaan smiled and said, "No problem, and thank you, for forgiving me. Now go talk with your parents."

Aahi just smiled in reply and was about to go inside her room but Vihaan called her name, she turned to him and in a joking manner asked, "What now? Was there some more sorry left from your speech?" Saying that she giggled.

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