Chapter 12

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Nilesh seeing them ready to leave said, "Guys make sure you come back fast I have told Ramu to make something good in evening snacks."

Aahi smile hearing about food and asked, "Oh is it onion fritters with tea?"

Nilesh looked at her amazed and said, "How did you know!?"

Aahi letting out a small giggle answered, "I was craving that so said it! Well now we have to come back at the speed of light! Vihaan let's go! Uncle we will be back soon."

Vihaan nodded and they walked out. The ride was peaceful but with Aahi mummering about onion fritters.

They reached. Aahi got down first and Vihaan followed Aahi after parking the car and saw her looking at earring, He smiled seeing her confuse in which one to select and went behind her and asked, "Want any help?"

The shopkeeper thinking he was trying to flirt with Aahi said, "Oye! Go away! You boys! See a girl alone and have to trouble her!"

Aahi and Vihaan looked at the shopkeeper shocked for a moment. The public's attention was on them as well. Aahi giggled a little and said, "Thank you kaka (Uncle), but he is with me.

Seeing the people still around looking at him suspiciously, she continued after a quick pause, "He is my husband."

The shopkeeper sheeisly smiled and said, "Sorry beta, I misunderstood you."

Vihaan smiled and replied, "No problem, infact it's good to see you stand up for women like that!"

The shopkeeper smiled an replied, "It's my duty."

Aahi smiled at Vihaan and said, "Hmm I was thinking which one I should buy, both looks good, what do you think?"

Asking that she puts both the earrings near her ears.

Vihaan smiled and said, "Hmm, both looks nice. Just buy both."

Aahi smiled and asked, "You sure!?" Vihaan just nodded.

Vihaan then seeing one jhummka (Indian earrings) said, "Hey buy this one! This will look wonderful on you!"

Aahi looked at the jhummka Vihaan was holding and her eyes shined! She excitedly took it from his hands and said, "Oh yes! This will be perfect for so many of my outfits! How did I not notice it! Thank you Vihaan."

The ladies around them smiled at how lovely they were together and one of them even said, "Newly weds are also so cute to see!"

Aahi and Vihaan tried to ignore the comment to save themselves from the embarrassment. Vihaan even backed off a little to not make Aahi uncomfortable which made the ladies giggle thinking he got shy.

Aahi then looked around for a few more jewelry and buying some for Lavanya as well she was about to pay but Vihaan said, "Wait, let me pay, I'm your husband after all."

Aahi thinking that he did that to prove to the people around them that he really is his husband lets him pay.

They were about to go away but Aahi wanting a shawl dragged Vihaan with her. She brought five shawls one for herself and others for her closed ones, paying for them and said, "Okay let's go back, uncle and my onion fritters must be waiting."

Vihaan nods a no and said, "Wait, before we go just think if you are forgetting something?"

Aahi looked around confused to see what she might be forgetting and asked, "What am I forgetting?"

Vihaan just took her somewhere without answering her.

Aahi seeing a live chips stall smiled and said, "Oh yes! How can I forget snacks! That's the thing we came for! Thanks for reminding me! Tell me what will you and uncle have?"

She asked as she chose some chips flavour for herself.

Vihaan not knowing replied, "I don't know."

Aahi gave him a are you serious look and turning to the seller told him to give some to try.

The seller handed them a plate of chips which had all the flavors. Aahi turned to Vihaan and said, "Here try it and decide."

Vihaan ate some and deciding which ones to buy feeds her the same ones. Aahi nodded and said, "Oh these are good! Kaka give us these and the one I said all two packets each."

The seller nodded and handed her a bag which had ten packets of chips."

Vihaan took the bag after paying and asked, "Aren't they less?"

Aahi getting his sarcasm replied, "If they are we can always buy some after they are over, mister sarcastic! Now let's go."

Vihaan walked together with her and said, "Oh see, two days with me and you are intelligent enough to get my sarcasm."

Aahi smiled at him and said, "Well I do have to compliment you for this! I love how confident you are about yourself in any situation given! This must have helped you a lot till now right?"

Vihaan who understood that she was taunting him said, "Hey! At least I'm not just a brainless beauty!"

Aahi nodded a yes and said, "Yes, because you are a brainless bander! (moneky) But looks like even a brainless bander can tell that I'm beautiful! Thank you!"

Vihaan scoffed and said, "Now aren't you overconfident about yourself? I was just using that as a phrase."

Aahi replied, "Well you could have used something else, like no beauty no brains, but you said that because you think I'm beautiful right?"

Vihaan blushed a little and quickly replied, "Ye- Yeah you wish! Miss stupid!"

Vihaan sighed inside his head thinking, 'That was a close one! Or else she would have found out I find her beautiful. Wait calm down Vihaan! What's wrong with you!' Thinking that he turning his attention to her words and replied her back.

As they were walking towards their car bickering they failed to notice their surrounding.

That there were few guys looking for someone with a picture for reference, which could cause them to be in danger or not.

As they were about to go back to the car a guy in black clothes asked, "Excuse me! Have you guys seen her?" Asking that he pointed at a picture. 

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