Chapter 5

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She carried on re reading the letter , until it finally sunk in she knew he meant it he meant what he had written. She lay down holding the letter , she just layer there in the silence. Time passed she didn't know his much. Hermione heard someone on the stairs , she turned her head to the door and watched as the handle turned and the door opened. It was Harry.
Harry : are you ok ? youve been in here for at least an hour and a half

Hermione : um yeah I'm fine

Harry : what's that ??
He pointed to the letter she had clasped in her hand.

Hermione thought for a moment whether he should tell him or show him the letter. She held her hand out holding the letter. Harry looked at it and took it from her hand. He began to read it outload

Hermione ,
Ever since the first time I saw you I knew I liked you. I mean like like you. But we seemed to have got off on the wrong foot and things spirled out of control. I know these are impossible thoughts I know this probably means nothing to you but it does to me. I like you Granger and I hope you feel the same.

Harry was in shocked
Harry: ..... D-draco ..... He wr-wrote this for you ??
She noded
Harry : you have to set it straight tell him you don't like him.
She didn't reply ,she looked down away from Harry

Harry : you don't l-like like him ..... Do you ??

A Hidden Love : DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now