Promise me you won't break my heart Part-2 🥺💔

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Cheol and Han were still hugging each other on the bridge in the cold stormy night they were embracing each other's bodies like there is no tomorrow. Cheol's strong, thick body and Han's petite, soft body, their breaths and heart beats were making a beautiful sound in sync.

They Hugged each other for a while Han pushed Cheol away.

Han- we need to stop meeting like this. We need to stop this........(He mumbled while looking down)

Cheol- but I want this. (He said with a shaking voice)

Han looked up at Cheol and said- you want this? You know how weak it makes me feel. How weak It felt not seeing you around.

Cheol came close to Han and put his hands on Han's shoulder so he could calm him down but Han pushed Cheol to get away from him and tried to walk beside him. Then again Cheol aggressively pulled Han's wrist so he could hold him close and make a tight gripp over his body.

Cheol- look into my eyes, and tell me do you think it's easy for him?? Haaa? At one moment you make me feel so good around you, you laugh with me, care for me, I feel like the happiest person in this world but the next moment you make me feel if I don't even exist for you. (He exhaled a heavy sigh)

Han is in Cheol's arms glancing at Cheol's fierce eyes.

Cheol loosened his grip after pulling himself to senses.

Cheol- I'm sorry Han, i just.....

I really to be true to me. If you hate me just say it, i won't bother you anymore, you won't see me the next moment..but but only...if you give me a chance to be close to you.....

  "It's not like Han is a cold hearted that he would let someone go crazy, make someone so desperate but Han has his own fear creating a distance between them. Fear which stops him from confessing his true feelings for cheol. Fear of getting attached to someone, fear of getting hurt, fear of heart break, fear of losing someone and fear of losing Cheol."

For Han never imagined the intancity of Cheol emotions. He was surprised. It was the first time ever he had been so vocal about his feelings towards Han.

It was a heated moment.......

Han- If I really hurt you that much then it's better for us to stay away from each other. (He said in shaking voice and then he burst into tears.)

Cheol- you really want this? Then fine sure, whatever you say.(He said furiously)

Then Cheol took a few steps back to keep distance from Han and he stood there motionless like his brain had stopped working. Han started to walk away from Cheol towards his home leaving him behind.

  "Han knew that what he had just said, but he didn't mean any of that. Those words came out of his mouth in the heat of the moment. Cheol also didn't stop Han, as much as he wanted to stop Han but he was hurt, he didn't have enough strength after hearing harsh words from Han. Cheol thought it was all him who had feelings for Han. Maybe it was just an one sided love"

Han had walked a short distance when he heard the sound of thunder. Han stopped as soon as he heard that sound, at that moment the only one came to his mind. "Cheol"

As he turned around to see and found Cheol still on the bridge covering his ears with both hands and when Han saw Cheol he instantly ran towards him.

Han went close to Cheol and saw Cheol's pale face and sad eyes, he couldn't think of anything but to hug him so he could comfort him.

It was raining, so Han took Cheol away from the bridge to a covered area. It took almost ten minutes to cheol to calm down.

To be with Han at his worst time made Cheol emotional. This was the first time ever that he was not alone in times like this...he was relieved maybe he found someone...maybe

My Lover ~ Jeonghcheol Of SeventeenWhere stories live. Discover now