My life was empty before you 🥺

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Cheol never felt so drwan to someone like he felt for Han and all that in such a small span of time.

Cheol was hugging Han so tightly without saying a word at some point it made Han a little worried about him. He was caressing Cheol back to comfort him, Cheol pulled himself back and looked at Han with his teary eyes. He brushed his face with his bare hands and controlled himself for crying anymore.

Cheol- what did you mix into that coffee. Aahh...(he scoffed)

Han didn't say anything because he knew Cheol wanted to hide the fact that he just cried in front of him. He just stared at Cheol with so much adoration for him he patted his cheeks.

Han- Cheol-ah (he cupped Cheol's cheekss) I know that I'm not capable for much right now but know that I...wish I really wish..that I could hold you like this forever and I would take away all your problems, any sadness or anything bothering you. (He whispered softly while a few tears escaped from his eyes)

Cheol gazed at Han he could feel the genuineness of every words that came out of Han's lips. He felt so touched, he just fell in love with Han all over again. He took long paused so he could feel the warmth of Han's words. He took Han's hand from his cheeks.

Then Han leaned over to Cheol to give a soft kiss on his forehead they both looked at each other, Han raised his both arms to give a warm hug to Cheol and without waiting for a second he just gave in and rested his face on Han's chest. Cheol closed his eyes while listening to Han's heart beats which was like a sweet melody to ears, he was lost in thoughts of a sour memory a farewell he could never forget, the last moment he spend with his mother.


It was a stormy night, Cheol was at the garden near by his house, he was feeling alone because his mother wasn't feeling good for quite sometime now. She often was in bed and his father was doing two jobs at the same time because they weren't that rich. His mother had already been in hospital multiple times at this point but after getting fine she felt sick again. It was difficult to see Cheol after all he was just nine years old then only a kid.

He was sitting on the bench in the garden and crying, but he jerked off when suddenly he heard a loud sound of crackers right behind him. Some of the neighborhood children placed crackers behind him to bully him. Cheol got scared he stood there and saw everyone was laughing at him, he then ran away from there. He ran from there as fast as he could.

He was running when he heard a loud sound of the thunder, he tripped to his own feet while running, he was sobbing nonstop, he tried to control himself. He stayed at the ground for a few moments until he found the courage to get up but before he could get up he saw a shadow front of him, getting darker it was his step brother.

Haneul- what are you doing on the ground?? (he muttered)

Cheol didn't say anything as he was too upset to even react on anything. Heneul tilted his head to get a better look at Cheol. He then saw Cheol's teary eyes.

Haneul- you are crying?.(he scoffed) no wonder other kids make fun of you, you deserve this. Ohh such a cry baby you are I don't why appa thinks you are a perfect son. (He muttered in anger) are you going to stay on the ground forever?? (He yelled at Cheol)

Cheol was already on the edge of breaking from the inside by everything he was going through and after hearing harsh words from his brother he just could not take it, he stood up and ran towards an anonymous direction not knowing where he was going.

Cheol took shelter into a small wooden cabinet at the backyard at an abandoned house. It's been really late Cheol's mother was getting really worried for Cheol, she asked Cheol's step brother and sister but none of them had any idea about Cheol's whereabouts. His brother and sister were looking for Cheol as his mother was still really sick.

Cheol was at this small cabinet hiding, it was getting late and darker. He was terrified and then he heard a loud thunder he shouted really loud, he was getting dizzy as he really didn't eat much that day and crying all day. His eyes were swollen red his body was weak and cold. He was about to faint, his eyes were getting heavy when he didn't feel any strength in his body and about to fall down, he felt a warm touch on his arms. He peeked at above when his eyes met with brown eyes with tears in it. His eyes was widened as he saw his mother holding his arms he immediately hugged his mother tightly his mother hugged him back. His mother help him stood up. They went to their home before it's start raining. At last his mother had to stand up from the bed to find him.

Cheol was finally feeling safe around his mother's embrace, he lied down next to his mother hugged her tightly but little he knew that was the last time he ever holding his mother......

The next day his mother's health worsened and she was immediately rushed to the hospital but sadly she could not make it.


Cheol's face was pale as he woken up from his sad thoughts he find himself in Han's arms. He separated himself from Han's hug and looked at him he held Han's hands tightly.

Cheol- don't go Hannie, just stay with me. (He pleaded)

Han felt a sharp sting in his heart as he heard Cheol's request. He could not resist but said yes to his lover's wish in the blink of an eye.

Han- I won't go i promise. (he whispered)

Han smiled at Cheol who was looking at him already.

Cheol- You know ever since my mother left, I never thought of someone could be as warm as she was as safe I used feel with her but I don't know Han, I feel that kind of warmth with you. You are really special to me. (he whispered into Han's ear while hugging him softly)

Han grew up in a emotionally safe environment his parents always make sure to give him a space where he could be emotionally vocal but it wasn't the case for Cheol.

Cheol was very close his mother and she always tried to provide a safer place for Cheol. At a very young Cheol had fear of flights her mother used to be with him, always to show him sky from the window seat holding his hand. For entire journey but not very long Cheol lost his mother, after her mother died Cheol's father raised him.

Although Cheol grew up into a fine man but his father didn't let him express his emotional vulnerable side as his father didn't want that for his son to be weak from any prospect. But this only makes Cheol to be more sentimentally torn. His father always tells him that being emotional is for weeks people and always pushes him to ignore these insecurities of him rather than work on them.

"Every time Cheol hugs Han he finds the inner child in him heeled a little more."

The room was filled with gloomy emotions with these two lovers gleaming in the soft light.

They both were lying next to each other on the couch in each other's embrace.

Han- i thought you would be the most rude person in this world. But you are not Cheol , you are kind, sweet and very caring, I don't know why you hide so many things about you, you are free to be how you wanna be.

Cheol didn't respond to that all he could think about his childhood where his father always told him to not cry and be strong.

Han and Cheol spent the whole day just talking to each other for the whole night, sharing kisses in between holding hands.

They both shared about their dreams how Cheol felt proud of his work not because he wanted to be more powerful and in a strong position but how many opportunities he created for others to make the world a better place.

Soon they both drifted into sleep very calmly and that's how their One day Date ended.


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