Chapter Eight

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Flashback is italics. Turn up for the Random song that i love.  :) 

~Katie's P.O.V~

"I'll do it" I offered."So I was video chatting with Gabby in my room....."

"Hey do you think your Mom would let you sleep over tonight?" she asked.

" I don't know,probably, but let me ask her." I suggested and she nodded. 

"Mom" I called walking downstairs to find her in the living-room on the couch breathing weirdly.

"Okay  so um i guess you're busy"

"She's going into labor stupid." Cass said walking up behind me while texting on her phone looking totally unconcerned. I gave her a minute to let what she just told me sink in. Honestly i don't know how she's the older one when i act older most of the time.

"wait-" and there it is. We exchanged a look before screaming


"What?!? God don't scream like that scare the crap out of me."

"" Cassidy stuttered. Do I have to do everything?

"Mom's going into labor." I blurted out while Cassidy nodded. Dad turned really pale and kinda looked ready to pass out.

"Niall, breathe." Mom said calmly

"Yeah..yeah I'm fine lets get you to the hospital. Cass take Katie and go to the Malik's"Dad  said. Cass nodded before taking my hand.

"And that's pretty much what happened." I concluded by now Brandon had joined us.

'Well that's a good reason for you never coming back." Gabby said.

"Brandon?" Darcy asked tapping her older brother.

"What's up babe?"

"Where do babies come from?" she asked innocently. Brandon turned and look to the older kids for help.

"No,no she asked you Brandon go for it." Tara laughed

"Umm you know?....You see....." he started turning bright red causing everyone to laugh harder.

"Why don't you ask Mom and Dad when they come home yeah?"

"Okay" she nodded looking somewhat dissapointed.

"So what do you guys wanna do?"

"Video games" Ava,Julia, and Emma agreed.

"We should build a fort" Noah,Gabby, and I said.

"So you guys play video games in the livingroom and build the fort in the den." Ella instructed.

"Kay"Gabby said before skipping into the den followed by Noah, Darcy, and me.

"Let's do this."Noah said happily.

~Brie's P.O.V~

"Now that they're all occupied tell me what's going on with you two." I said hopping onto a stool while motioning to Brandon and Sky.

"Why always assume there is something going on? What about them?" Brandon asked nodding to Ashton and Cass who looked quite snug in the corner.

"Yeah well Cass isn't wearing Ashton's shirt is she?" Aidan pointed out.

"true." sky nodded. "But nothing happened" she insisted. Whatever literally everyone knows they're like a couple.

"Okay what about you two?"

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