Chapter Thirteen

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2 Weeks Later

I was in my favorite cute red dress with my hair out.

"I feel bad for helping you hurt my brother."Brie commented as she continued doing my make up. I smiled slightly.

"I'm only making him jealous."

"Yeah but using one of his best friends."I shrugged as the doorbell rang. I was going on a 'date' with Mason's friend Thoms.

"Have fun I guess."Brie said handing me my jacket.

"Thanks."I called before going downstairs before Dad,Brandon, or Ashton could grill Tom about this 'date'

"Hey."I greeted opening the door.

"Hey.'He smiled scanning me. I felt my face burn. I can do this right?


I laughed at something stupid that Tom said. We were at dinner. To tell you the truth I was having a good time but I only liked Tom as a friend and nothing more the whole time Mason was in the back of my mind.

"You know I was suprised when you asked me if I wanted to go out."


"Well I thought you and Mason had a thing."He explained.

"To tell you the truth so did I but I guess not so I just kinda got over it."

"But you still wanna be with him?"I didn't say anything.

"I thought so."

"Thomas-"he shook his head.

"Nah it's cool we can be friends right?"he smiled slightly

"Of course."

"Good."he replied as we walked me to my front door.

"I had fun tonight."I told him truthfully

"Me too we can do it again sometime as friends."I nodded

"Yeah it'll be fun."

"Well good night."He said before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek and walking to his car. I groaned inwardly before running up to my room and changing into sweatpants and a hoodie and going out to the back deck. I sat down on the steps. It was flurrying out but not full out snowing yet. Ashton sat down next to me sighing. 

"What's up with you?"I asked.

"Well Chris is a major asshole but I love Cassidy but there is no way to be with her without Chris trying to kill me."

"You love Cassidy?"I asked. He nodded."Well then fuck Chris you need to talk to her cause she thinks she did something wrong and if Chris tries anything you can just tell us and we'll kick his ass into next century."

"Good to know."he laughed"So what's wrong with you?"

"Mason......I saw him with another girl literally the day after he asked me  to be his girlfriend. 

"well sometimes what you see isn't actually what's happening."

"So you're saying that Mason might not have been cheating on me?"

"Exactly."I leaned my head on my brother's shoulder.

"Now I feel bad for going on that 'date' with his best friend."That means I gotta tell him?"

"Maybe you should let him think that. If he gets jealous about it you know he actually cares about you."

"That's a really good idea.You're pretty smart for being my idiotic older brother."

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