Chapter Twelve

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Flashback in italics.Play song when I tell you to for best effect.

One Week Later

~Sky's P.O.V~

I walked into the kitchen grabbing a package of frozen peas and placing it on my swollen eye while wiping the blood from my nose and mouth.

"Skylar what did you do?"Mom demanded.

"Don't worry about it.I'll be fine."I brushed her off.

"Skylar don't tell me not to worry this is the third fight in one week."Mom scolded glancing at the clock."Dammit I'm gonna be late we need to talk later."with that she was gone and I began crying meaning my emotions got the best of me. Someone wrapped their arms around me causing me to bury my face in their chest.

"What's wrong Sky?"Dad asked 

"Everything."I mumbled into his chest.

"You wanna talk about it?"

"I dunno."

"You know you can always talk to me when somethings wrong."He said pushing the hair out of my face. I nodded.

"Me and Brandon....well had a fight."I told my Dad sitting on the counter followed by him.

"But why all the fights now?"

"I guess I'm just angry and kinda maybe a little depressed and small things that people do that would normally only annoy me are just setting me over the edge."Dad nodded.

"Guys suck."I sighed placing my head on his shoulder.

"Thanks Sky."he laughed.

"You know what I mean."

"I'm sure whatever yourargument was about you'll probably make up and if you don't maybe he isn't the boy for you."

~Cass's P.O.V~

I was at home babysitting Michael and Daniel with Adele while my parents were at the hospital visiting Eli.

"So how're you and Colby?"I asked giving Daniel his bottle

"Good....really good, perfect."She smiled playing with Michael.

"What about you and Ashton?"

"I honestly don't know."I sighed as Mom and Dad came home.

"Hey Cass."Dad greeted.

"Hey how is he?"I asked which caused the biggest smile to spread across his face.

"Perfectly healthy."


"So when can he come home?"Adele asked as my Mom walked into the kitchen carrying Eli.

"OhmyGosh."Adele squealed"He's so cute."

"He still has some doctor's appointments but he'll be fine."Mom told us. Finally our family is home happy and healthy as one.


Later that day

"Why does he keep avoiding me?"I questioned laying on Brie's bed next to her.

"I don't know maybe he doesn't wanna get his ass handed to him by Chris and his friends again."That makes sense.

"Why was Aidan such a douche?"She asked

"Maybe he was trying to make you jealous." she thought for a minute.

"Damn I wish I beat the fake tan off of that bitch.The thing is he had the balls to introduce her to me like I was his fricken mother after he literally got done eating her face."Brie growled angrily.

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