Chapter Six

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We walked into Vanessa's house. It was packed. Everyone went their separate ways leaving me and Ashton. I smiled well looks like I'm going to be the one to make the first move.
"Come on let's dance" I suggested.
"Sure"he said returning the smile showing off his adorable dimples.
~3 songs later~
We were kinda like slow dancing.
"You know Ash I don't know why you're so quiet and shy you're hit you really have no reason to be." I told him.
"You're right Cass and I'm totally in love with you." Ashton replied before placing his lips on mine.
Okay, okay that's not what happen but I wish it was. Here's what actually happened.
"Hey Cass you want a drink?" He asked. I nodded slowly snapping out of my thoughts. He smiled before releasing himself from my grasp and going to get me a drink.
"Oh hello Cassidy" Chris said. Chris is quarterback of the schools football team. He sleeps around and doesn't really take no for an answer.
"Hi." I replied coolly.
"Why so unhappy to see me?" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Oh I can only imagine why."
"Why don't you take me up on my offer? You know you want to." He taunted.
"N-O you know what I want? I want you to turn around and walk your sorry ass away from me." I replied before pulling away and turning to leave but he pulled me back.
"Well I've never been rejected and tonight isn't going to be the first time." He said before ruffly kissing me. I pulled away and smacked him. He looked back at me and raised his hand to hit me but the blow never came. I turned and saw Ashton punch Chris across the face before a full on fist fight broke out.
"Ashton" I said in shock. You'd never think of Ashton to start a fight Brandon and Mason yeah but not Ashton.
"Ashton." I said again practically begging him to stop. Brandon and Aidan with the help of some of Chris's friends pulled the two of them apart but the damage was already done. Chris was barely conscious, he had a gash on his forehead, and there was blood sleeping out of his mouth. Ashton wasn't that bad though his eye was swollen shut and his nose was bleeding badly it kinda looked broken. I grabbed his hand and led him out of the house without looking back.
Ashton sat on the counter in the kitchen of my house. My parents were out and Katie was at dance so it was just the two of us. Thank God the less questions the better. I examined his face carefully and noticed his nose was a little out of place.
"Alright Ash this might hurt.......a lot." I informed him.
"Well that's reassuring." He muttered before I quickly snapped his nose back into place.
"Oh shit." He exclaimed clutching his face I handed him a wad of paper towels before grabbing an ice pack from the freezer and applying it to his eye. After a couple of minutes of a somewhat awkward silence I spoke up.
"Why'd you do it?" He seemed to move uncomfortably under my gaze. He hopped off the counter and shrugged.
"Because you needed me and Chris had it coming." He replied softly before washing and drying his face. I smiled causing him to turn bright red.
"Well....umm....yeah but I mean like...." He began to ramble. I pulled him closer until his lips met mine to shut him up. I pulled away and he just stood there looking shocked. This time it was my turn to blush.
"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to" I stuttered.
"Dont worry about it Cass" he smirked slightly before kissing me again.
"Ugh my God why have I been catching everyone slogging everybody?" I heard Tara question. She didn't seem mad she. She was actually smiling while she stood next to Brie.
"So you're okay with this?"
"Yeah and if I can be okay with you guys I should be okay with Sky and Brandon." She said to herself "I gotta go"she added before grabbing Brie's hand and dragging her out of the room.
"Since Taras okay with us like being together would my girlfriend?" Ashton asked shyly.
"I'd love to Ashton" I replied giving him a hug and quick peck on the lips. You hear that world? Ashton William Styles is officially my boyfriend!!!!!!

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