Starryx's Death

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Hi, How you doin?.. This Story will be Modern Starryx's Death.. Well some info about it! 

Soo.. yea Starryx's Death.. Sit back and RELAX or whatever your doing!

Warning: This may contain a few scenes that isn't for kids! Mainly Gore 


The Sun shine brightly as Starryx heads out of the Police Station.. 

" This.. Disappearances case.. When will it stop?.. I mean sure Sir Chronox is still trying to investigate this Case yet-- I didn't know that it would be this.. huge- "

Starryx sighed as He fixes his gloves,

" Now where should I start?.. "

Starryx walks forward as He thinks for a moment, 

" Not sure who's the Killer between this Missing.. Wait-.. is it me or?.. This Case's People.. Are all Males?!? "

Starryx stopped as He looked closely at the file,

" This.. isn't normal at all! Why strike Males?.. I mean no offense but that's a bit strange.. "

Starryx went silent for a moment as He continued to walk forward,

" Why does this give me those weird vibes?.. Could the Killer be a Female?.. or a Male?.. Ugh- Wished Sir Chronox told me more informa-.. Hold up- If the Killer can be a Female.. Is She?.. related to Atarus in some sort?.. That's it! Enough of asking myself such useless questions.. Am going to find Atarus- And why the hell am I talking to myself?! I DONT KNOW!!! "


Starryx fixes himself as He took his Phone out, 

" Come on Atarus- Talk to me-- I don't hav- Atarus! "

" Hi! Need something Starryx? Am busy dealing with this Brats here... "

" Where are you?.. I need to ask something in-person! No excuses this time! "

" Ooo? Question why?.. Can't you see am babysitting here? "

Starryx mumbles as He sighed,

" Tell the Mother or Father that you're going out for sometime! "

" Can't sorry, The parents are out on a Date "

" Jesus christ- Just- Fine! Ill wait tomorrow! But its not my fault if Sir. Chronox got mad at me- "

Atarus smirks,

" Sure, What time and Location? "

" Near Lukasmi Street, And 8:00 Am to be exact! "

Atarus nodded,

" Sure man, Ill be there.. "

Starryx ends the call as He sighed,

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