Modern meets.. Original

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Hi, How you doin? I just remember that I wrote something about Modern meeting Original?-- But this time surely! I made it different, For Ash's Visit we see Modern Ash getting reunited with Original Ash right? Just like in Felix's Visit too!.. As for Starrius's Visit.. Starryx.. hasn't appeared yet but He will be! and no- The two already met eachother already aka.. this Story will contain Lyxno! A new character of mine added to the story- Soo its like not the very first but might be Second Meet- I mean third Meeting? I mean sure Modern Hasn't been in the Galactic Ways-

Now about the Story.. It'll be full of Chaos as always.. Aahem but first When I say ' M. ' it means Modern alright? For example M. Ash get it? Its a short cut way to type in!.. Anyways.. 

Main Characters used: M. Ash, M. Felix, M. Starrius ( Starryx ), OG. Ash, OG. Felix, Lyxno Yaznix, and lastly Starrius

Now.. I shall tell the Tale within the First meeting of.. Modern and Original! So uhh sit back and RELAX well depends on whatever your doin right now-


~Multiverse outbreak~

Time: 4:12 AM

Location: Unknown


Ash quickly grabbed her bag as She stood there waiting for Lyxno to come forward.. Yet She slowly crossed her arms due to her patience running out, " Aahem.. Enough of doing sketches Lyx!! Remember.. We have to Visit  Starrius soon? Bro made an appointment two minutes ago- "

Lyxno turned around with a nervous smile, He sighed as He calmed himself down.. " Alright alright am coming- I just need to- "

Ash raised an Eyebrow as She mumbled, " Need to what? "

" Y'know what?- Nvm, I don't want Starrius waiting for me again- Open a Portal while I quickly pack my things up- "

Ash gave a slow nod as She opened a Portal from behind as Lyxno ran towards it.. making Ash the last one to enter... 


Time: 4:21 AM

Location: StarLight Domain


Ash steps out of a Portal as Lyxno stood there yet.. She noticed Felix just playing the Flute..

" Seems like your getting even more addicted within that Flute of yours hm? Why..? Practicing on something? "

Felix placed down the Flute as He deeply stared at Ash with a annoyed look, " Aaahem!.. I have nothing to do so I asked myself!.. Why not.. Train myself? "

"Sure sure no need to get hot headed man- Its not like ima still yo Flute for literally no reason "

Felix scoffed as He rolled his eyes.. Ash quickly sat down with him as She watched Lyxno trying to Draw the StarLight Tree.. " ..Is it me.. or you Light bulbs has one Addiction- Yet I don't? "

Sketches and Random Moments!~ :DWhere stories live. Discover now