The God

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IN WHICH :: What if
percy chose to be a God?


❝ Not even the Gods above
Can separate the two of us ❞


[ Percy × fem!reader ]


You and percy had been dating for years, you had a crush on him ever since you both were twelve, and you both eventually even got engaged, before he became a god

And now, you sit in your cabin at the dinner table, looking at your five year old son as you prayed his father, percy

You lit the candle, along offering some leftovers for a few seconds before He had shown up in mear seconds

He smiled at you as he sat down beside you.

"Perce- you came" Your gaze softened as you smiled back at him warmly.

Percy nods his head slightly. His soft jet black hair were falling on his gace, and his piercing ocean like eyes looked at you.

"You called, and i never would let you down. Even if the rest of the world tried."

"I've missed you" You murmured as his gaze became softer as well, he chuckled.

"As if I didn't miss you, too."

He looked out the window. His expression darkened slightly

"Alex, missed you too" Your eyes fell at the child playing with his toys

"I've missed him, aswell."

Percy seemed lost in thought as he watched Alex play with his toys. He suddenly shifted his gaze to you. His face became more somber as he looked you right in the eye

"We need to talk."

"What why?...." you asked with a curious tone, "It's about Alex...and our relationship."

The corner of his lip started to twitch as he spoke

"why what about that?" you tilted your head slightly at his words.

He hesitated, He thought about everything that was happening, and he finally mustered up a response.

"He needs to go to camp half-blood."

"it's about time for him to go-" you sighed softly

"I know...I was just..."

Percy looked like he was struggling to say what he wanted to say,

"Are you sure he's ready?"

"He's more than that- the only thing im worrying about is the trip for him to get there" your tone gradually softened

Percy nodded his head. "And what about us..?"

"Perce i love you, but Zeus will kill me if he finds out we're back together" I sighed softly

"Then I guess we gotta be sneaky, like we're back then" He chuckled

"I mean, we're already breaking the rules because we have a kid. What's one more?"

"Percy" you chuckled gently, Percy just smiled softly. His eyes softened as his gaze returned to Alex.

"So.. are we sending him next week?"

"i'll try" I whispered softly, Percy nodded as an idea came to mind.

"How about I drop him off? I mean, I've got experience, I know the way."

"I'll have to come with him as well darling, after all he's still seven" you chuckled softly

The god laughed in response to your words.

"I know he is... but we shouldn't make this whole thing seem like we need to hold his hand through every step. He needs to learn to be independent at some point."

"He does, But he's still a kid- hes fresh out of first grade- and i just......" you paused for a moment

"I need to let him go" you nodded gently.

Percy took a step towards you and pulled you into a warm embrace. He let you lean your head against his shoulder as he rubbed your back.

"You know he's going to be did well with raising him...I'm sure you taught him well. "

"He's going to be fine." Percy smiled softly as he spoke. His lips brushed your ear as he continued.

"And so will soon as we have him settled in at camp."

"I know..... I just cant bare the thought of our boy leaving-" you laughed

Percy couldn't help but laugh as well. His grip on you loosened as he kissed the top of your head.

"Then I guess you're just going to have to get used to it.

"And then, when we have him taken care of at camp half-blood, we're going to visit him as much as possible "

"Even if the rest of the gods have a problem with it.

Percy pulled away from you, his expression becoming more stern.

"I don't care how many of them don't like it, how many say that it's not allowed. We're going to be able to be together again. No matter what."

You said nothing, but instead cupped his cheek gently

Percy leaned into your touch, his eyes soft as he stared back at you with an even softer expression. Your fingers caressed his cheek and his heart fluttered at your touch.

"We'll be ok...i promise we'll be"

Percy spoke softly, his breathing quickening as his lips closed the gap between him and you.

Percy leaned into you as he pressed his lips against yours. His breath mingled with yours, his heart pounding in his chest. His hands rested on your hips, drawing you closer.

Percy didn't know how long he stayed like this, in this moment. But he didn't want it to end. He let his mind fall blank as he soaked up the affection that washed over him. The feeling of your lips on his was perfect. A surge of warmth washed through his body, running through his soul.

His hands moved to your back, cradling you as you remained close to him. He felt so lost in the bliss of this moment. One second, he was worrying about all the rules he was breaking. And then this happened. His worries evaporated as he kissed you deeply. The kisses were gentle and sweet, like the kind that make you feel safe and cherished.

His breath caught in his chest as he pulled away, your hands resting in his. He was tempted to pull you close again and keep the moment going, but he pulled back instead. His heart beat rapidly in his chest as he looked into you eyes.

"I missed this- I've missed you....." He stammered

-----𝐀/𝐍 :


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