Chapter 1

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So there's this girl.

And whenever I see that face that could've only been sculpted by God himself, I lose my mind. Seriously. Everything goes blank, and she's suddenly the only thing I can see. Everything else just fades away. Too bad I see her everyday. Or maybe I should say thank God I see her everyday. It's a blessing and a curse. Because I have to harbor and suppress these feelings about a thousand times a day. Because every time she looks at me, I can't breathe. And she looks at me quite a lot.

Her eyes are like this shining emerald abyss, or a lake with sunset overhead, or galaxies. Yeah, galaxies is about right. Especially when they're grey. I look into her eyes and I see the lumiere of a thousand stars. They lack the pink and purple hues, but they shine all the same.

I look at her, and I see my happiness. I can get through the day, just to pass by her in the hallway. Not even talk to her, seeing her – her presence is a gift itself. Maybe I lost myself somewhere in her soul, but I've found everything I think I need...

Becky gazed down and reread her work, trying to decide if she was finished or not. Well, no. she could never be finished. She could publish a million books about it and would have only accurately covered about one fourth of what she adored about the girl. She decided that she would never be finished, but she was finished for now. Because Irin was impatiently waiting on her in the doorway. She closed her journal and shoved it into her bag before rushing out of the classroom.

A goofy smile spread across her face as her mind drifted back to the brown-eyed girl that had captured her heart so long ago. Even as she boarded the bus, she struggled to contain it.

"Write any more love notes for Freen today?" Irin smirked as Becky took her seat next to her.

"They aren't love notes..." Becky countered feebly, knowing that she'd never actually give them to her. Therefore, they couldn't count as love notes.

"Sure. You write that girl about a thousand a day," Irin shook her head.

Becky discovered that she'd found a solace in writing. Writing helped her to express herself. It never seemed to get old. No matter if they were songs, poems, daydreams, stories, or just simple observations, she always found herself scrawling about that. Although her entries varied in length and content, they were always centered around the same thing; the same person. Freen.

She was about to respond when her breath hitched in her throat. Right as the engine started, the doors opened. Striding towards her was a very beautiful – and very out of breath – Freen.

"Hey, Bec. Hey Irin," Freen greeted breathlessly as she shuffled down the aisle, eager to take her seat.

"Hey. What's wrong with you? Did you just run a marathon?" Irin quipped.

"Locker... Wouldn't open... Thought I was gonna miss it," Freen answered as she hunched over, resting her elbows on her knees.

"We need to get like Nam and Noey. They can drive," Irin groaned.

"I'm working on it. I should be able to get my license sooner or later..." Becky interjected.

"Well, to do that you would have to actually pass the test, Becks," Irin laughed as she nudged Becky in the side.

"I've only failed twice," Becky side-eyed her best friend.

"At least you can take it," Irin huffed, being the youngest of the trio.

"You'll get it one day," Freen added encouragingly. "We all will."

"Yeah. Then you won't have to sprint to catch the bus anymore," Irin laughed again.

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