Chapter 26 🔞

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Everything happens for a reason. Each individual thing that happens to a person, whether it was for better or for worse, happens for a reason. What could be devastating and heartbreaking one moment could lead to something better than before. This much was true for Freen and Becky. From their perspective, their breakup was the most horrid thing either of them could come up with. In the midst of everything hurting and all of the pain they endured, neither of them could've predicted the outcome they got. Now, everything was perfect. Their relationship was prosperous.

Becky helped Freen redecorate her room by putting back up everything she'd taken down out of anger and assisted her in taping a few new entries to the walls. It became to feel like home again, because it was home. It allowed her to finally feel like she could breathe again. But Becky was also home. And she was her breath of fresh air. Her arms and her scent were just a little bit comforting to the green eyed girl that adored it all. The writing on her walls still captured a bit of Becky's essence. She still tainted everything. But nowadays, that was the way Freen liked it.

The boldness and carelessness the two of them exhibited in the hallways returned. Neither cared much about the speculation that had never really stopped. It was just being ignored now. Petty comments fell unto deaf ears as they weaved in and out of crowds. Glares that used to bother Becky soon became a blur in comparison to her beautiful girlfriend. She had Freen vision. Everything was about her. Everything was focused on her. Anything she said was all Becky tuned into.

Communication between them got stronger as well. Becky was no longer trying to hide her feelings or protect anyone else from her emotions. If something was bothering her, even just the slightest thing, Becky told Freen about it. She was open and honest with her at all times. All of the natural emotions she experienced, she allowed to surface without being reserved.

Freen was willing to kindly ignore everything negative she heard about Becky. They were all from people who barely knew her. Most of the people talking were people that had never held a conversation with either one of them. They were merely passersby with so much to say under their breath, yet said nothing to them when presented the opportunity. Those types of people couldn't get under Freen's skin, no matter how much prodding and provoking they did. She and Becky came to live by a quote she'd come across on tumblr, "if they don't know you personally, don't take it personal." It was one of Freen's favorites, second to her girlfriend's sunset quote. Or theory. Whatever it was.

However, some things pissed her off.

The two were walking down the hallway with minimal distance between them. Freen's protective arm was placed securely around Becky's waist. She liked to claim her through body language. The arm around her waist, the hand holding the more slender one, the unwavering attention all of it screamed Mine. She definitely portrayed her message well.

"I guess Bicky is back with her now," one girl said to her friend, then they both snickered.

"I guess she's done using Nop," the other girl laughed again.

Freen, who had been the main advocate of ignoring people and being the bigger person, took that as a call to action. What it was about this specific comment that broke the camel's back, she didn't know. But she wasn't going to remain passive. The more she heard, the more Becky's way of dealing with it seemed to make sense. If she was on the receiving end of all this, she would go by any means necessary to make it stop as well.

Freen stopped walking and Becky's hold on her hand tightened in mild concern. Becky was wondering what happened. Of course she heard the comment, but she wasn't prepared for Freen to react as rapidly as she did. The taller girl whirled around on her heel and caught that same girl's eye, who stopped a laughing at looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Freen stared at her with a look of pure disgust for about ten seconds before she spoke up.

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