Chapter 11

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Becky hadn't gotten the chance to broach the subject with Freen just yet. She told Noey and Nam she was going to eat lunch with them, but she wanted to be with Freen. She didn't want to be the person that put the one they were seeing over their friends. But she did want to talk to her about it. She figured she could just do both. She'd spend half of her lunch break with the girls, and the other half with the Freen in the stairwell.

"Look who decided to show up today," Irin quipped when she saw Becky heading towards their table.

"Be nice," Noey laughed.

"Hey," Becky smiled brightly as she reached her seat.

"Welcome back," Irin greeted her shortly. She wasn't actually mad, she was just kidding.

"Hey Becks," Nam returned her smile.

"What's up?" Noey smiled as well.

"Nothing. What's up with you guys?" Becky asked casually.

"Nothing," she shrugged.

"Why do people still ask that? No one ever answers the right way," Becky laughed.

"I don't know," Noey laughed.

"Where have you been, loser?" Irin asked, she was more than ready to get answers.

"Oh, you know... Just um, the library,"

"For two weeks?" Irin called her bluff.

"Yeah," she nodded.

"Cut the bullshit, Beck. Where were you?" Irin rolled her eyes.

"The library. And I have to go there again in a few minutes," Becky said nervously as she glanced up at the clock.

"For what though?" Nam chimed in.

"Um..." Becky mumbled. She hated being put on the spot. And she hated interrogations even more. "I have to go to the restroom," she excused herself quickly. She scooted her chair back and power-walked out of the cafeteria. She held her crotch just for good measure.

"Hell nah," Irin narrowed her eyes as she watched Becky make a break. She decided to take matters into her own hands. She was going to investigate.

Becky went in the direction of the restrooms and checked behind her. She had a feeling someone was following her. She was right. Irin had trailed behind her, but stealthily hid behind a wall when she saw her turn around. When Becky saw that the coast was clear, she headed towards her true destination. Freen was waiting in the staircase for her when she entered. She had been getting worried, Becky was usually never late. She relaxed when she saw her push through the door, but the expression on her face made her apprehensive.

"What's wrong?" Freen asked as Becky climbed the stairs.

Irin smoothly entered from behind, catching the door when it closed after Becky. She eased into the stairwell quietly.

"Why can't I tell them? I'm pretty sure they already know and you know they'd accept it and stuff..." Becky blurted out as she reached Freen. They'd always sit at the top stair of the middle floor. It gave them enough time to flee if someone opened the door on either level. It was a foolproof plan most times. But Becky had run up the stairs and now she was out of breath.

"What? Slow down," Freen responded softly as she pulled her into her embrace.

"I was late because I went to lunch.. They were getting suspicious about why we were never there, like I told you they would. They're not stupid, Freen..." Becky rushed her words.

"You can.. I'm not stopping you... I said that then because I was too scared to accept everything myself. I'm in a different place now, you can tell them if you want to. I don't want to keep it from them... And they're our best friends. Did you think I was hiding us?" Freen asked.

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