Chapter 30

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The days after prom passed by in a blur. The last few weeks of school seemed to be in one big cluster that didn't have much significance to either one of the girls. Becky and Freen were thriving in their relationship. As a couple, their dynamic hadn't really changed much.

In their junior year, there were several tests that needed to be taken before they could be released for summer. Freen thought it was fucked up how a simple score and a set of numbers pretty much determined how well you'd do in life. Regardless of how she felt, she studied hard for her SATS, ACTS, and every single one of her AP exams. With Becky as her study buddy, the two made several dates out of study sessions. They made it fun, using kisses as their rewards for correct answers. Admittedly, they got a little distracted sometimes, but by the time their tests rolled around, they were more than prepared.

Along with the other hundred students taking their tests, Becky and Freen found themselves at school early one Saturday morning. They worked diligently and tediously until each bubble was filled in. And after their tests, they were just in countdown mode. A general anticipation of summer settled over all of the students that attended their school, but Becky in particular.

"I can't wait for summer," Becky said for the thousandth time this week. It always seemed like the last week of school passed by the slowest. Each dreadful minute in class felt like an eternity. And today, the bus seemed to be departing from campus extra slow.

"Only two more days," Freen informed her with a wide smile. Summer was pretty exciting, even though Nun told her she'd have to get a job. Senior year was expensive, and her parents were making sure Freen had her part in it. They would pay for senior pictures and all of that, but Freen would have to pay for the entertaining parts - if she wanted to do it.

"No more waking up early.. No more homework.. No more getting dress coded.. No more late passes.. No more being late in general, because I'll just be at home everyday. I won't have to do anything but be with you, Freen," Becky smiled over at her.

"Yeah, you're right," Freen took into consideration, getting herself hyped for the summer as well. Maybe this summer would be different. Along with her job, she would have money. Along with money, she had the free will to spend it all on herself and Becky. There was no doubt that she would spoil her. She already did with what little money she came across now.

"And we can sleep over a lot more too," Becky added giddily, shaking her girlfriend's shoulder. "Spring break was probably the best week of my entire life... Even better than science camp."

"Why?" Freen asked, well aware of how highly Becky placed that experience. It brought a smile to her face knowing that the time she spent with her could compare.

"Is that a joke?" Becky asked flatly, giving her an incredulous look.

"No. Tell me why, babe," Freen requested, placing a hand on Becky's thigh.

"I spent it with you. Every morning I woke up cold because you always stole the covers in your sleep, but it was perfect because I got to wake up next to you. My days were filled with cuddling and kissing and every little lovely thing we did. Not to mention that your mom finally stopped giving us a hard time about being together..." Becky listed as she thought back on it, smiling to herself.

"I think my dad said something to her," Freen admitted, unwilling to give her mother full credit for coming to her senses.

"I think it was that day you told me about, where you were crying on the stairs," Becky brought up wistfully. Thinking about that always made her heart feel heavy. Bringing Freen to tears was something she never wanted to do ever again.

"I don't know. She was still being a bitch after that. It's like she felt obligated to say whatever she needed to make me feel better. I was so heartbroken," Freen laughed at herself and how heavily she'd taken everything. It was comical to her now, especially since all was well. "It took her a while to actually act on what she said. Maybe you're right, but I think my dad instilled something in her as well."

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