[43] - and then suddenly, everything fell down

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Having your ex boyfriend meet the new people you are around with is already weird, but nothing compares to him meet the guy you're with right now's family.

All after having that same guy calling you his girl. Yeah still going back to that moment again and again and again. Hate to admit that I felt something really close to butterflies on my stomach. Which gross, but fuck it if it didn't feel damn good.

Not to mention, the way Kingston said it. In that low and husky voice that has my legs going weak. I was ready for him to take me right there, until someone had to interrupt us. I swear these people are such cockblockers.

Anyway, returning to the actual topic in hands...Flo and Bruce didn't take long to fall into Russ' charm, just like almost everyone on the group. On the other hand, Jacob and Nash stared at him with crossed arms trying to find reasons not to like him.

Obviously, Knox gave them a proud pat on the shoulder while I rolled my eyes. If I thought one overprotective Kingston was not enough, now I have three.

Either way, Flo invited Russ for dinner which he ended up accepting and telling them all about his European adventures. For someone so put together and determined about his future, he let loose a lot on wild trips to wherever the world takes him.

For the night he stayed at a close hotel even after Florence and Bruce insisted he'd spend the night. I think they're a little too excited about this and believe we have some kind of thing going on.

"Blake, sweetie, why don't you take Russ for a tour around town. By now you already know all the good places" Flo smiles warmly and when he isn't looking, she shoots me a wink.

"Ohh, I'm definitely interested to know where you have some fun around here" Russ smiles.

"Great! Lincoln can borrow you his car, right sweetie?" she glances at her eldest son, whose brows narrow into a deep frown.

Nash shakes his head, "Jeez, mom!"

"What? Did I say something wrong?" the poor woman stares disoriented at the three boys.

"Forget it, why don't we all go?" Nash suggest with an evil grin I'm pretty sure I should worry about "Knox even said he'd pay us a waffle"

"I neve—" Knox starts but stops himself when his brother elbows his ribs with a look "Right, I will do that."

"Waffles sound good" Russ shrugs.

"I'll get my jacket." Jacob runs off upstairs.

Nash and Knox do the same, while Russ goes outside to take a call. I'm left with only Florence, who's face is still puzzled but also pouty.

"Forgive my idiot sons, they're ruining your date with that handsome man" she shakes her head.

"It's okay, besides it's far from anything like that. We both got our eyes on other people" me specifically on her son, but I don't say that.

"Oh." my words surprise her but Florence quickly recovers with a knowing smile "Is it one of Linc's friends? He could help you out, I can ask him—"

"No, no, I'd prefer if you didn't say anything to him" can you imagine how boosted that guy's ego would be to know I said anything to his mother, "I'm just letting things happen"

"That's good, sweetie, sometimes worrying too much about every little think makes you not enjoy them at all. Don't be afraid to live in the moment." Florence places both her hands above her heart.

"If you live in fear, you will never live at all" Russ reappears behind me, quoting his own words.

"Ready!" Nash also join us again.

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