11(time skip btw)

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Finney and vance had an...okay ride to Derry but now their here. So their looking for a hotel rn.

"Ughhh i cant find a good hotel, they all look like a roach hotel" finney whines. "you know what, im asking that group of kids" vance says, walking towards the group. Finney said something but vance couldnt quite hear it. "bro do yall know where any good fucking hote-" vance got interrupted by finney. "vance, the fuck are you doing?" finney says, stumbling a bit. "asking these people where a good hotel is because i dont know where the fuck were even at rn. And are you okay? Your stumbling like a bitch rn" vance says, holding finney. "yeah, im fine. But anyways," finney says, standing up straight BUT not letting vances hand go. "anyways, so yall know where any good fucking hotels are?" Vance asks, looking back at the group. "uhh..yeah, its one like over there thats good" a kid says. "thanks, kid" vance says, walking to the direction the kid pointed. "vance are you stupid?" Finney says. "what?" Vance says, glaring at finney. "he pointed that way but like its the woods that way, so perhaps he meant thay way" finney says, pointing to a road. "hey you fuckers" a smaller kid with glasses from that group says. "what?" vance says. "just follow us because the best hotel is pretty far away and the town is fucked with bullies, so you kinda gotta go through alleys" he says. "i mean okay, why not" finney says. "but finneyyyyy what about our suitcases and shit" vance says. "oh fuck...uh idk" finney says. "do you got a car?" A girl from the group asks. "yeah, its like over there somewhere" finney says. "is it okay if we get in your car and show you where?" She asks. "sure. But istg if one of yall pull out a gun i will make finney wreck." Vance says, glaring at the group. Litterally out of the blue finney and vances phone starts ringing. "uh vance...we mightve forgotten to tell our group that we were coming here..." finney says, laughing. "eh, who cares. Just tell them were out of town" vance says, answering his phone. "VANCE WHERE THE FUCK IS FINNEY? DID YOU KILL HIM? WAIT WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?" robin yells. "hey robinnn!!!!" Finney says, getting into his car. "FINNEY! omg you okay, wait where is vance?" Robin says. "right here, dipshit" vance says, rolling his eyes and holding onto his sealtbelt because finney started driving. "oh..okay, uh, last question. Where are you guys?" Robin says, sounding kinda worried. "oh, were out of town right now. We decided to take a vacation together" vance says. "thats gay, dude" robin says, hanging up real quick. "Bit- ugh" vance groans. "okay so now take a right" the girl says. "turn left" she says. "anddddd your here!!!!" She says, smiling. "damn that was way to easy. Oh, thanks for helping." Finney says, shooting a sweet smile at them. "no problem!" They say. "oh, if you guys want later we all can meet up somewhere and do something, it'll be our thanks to you" finney says. "hell yeah!" A kid with glasses says. "Finney, lets go" vance says, getting out the car. "okay so yall wanna maybe meet at a arcade and then eat somewhere? Im paying btw" finney says, also getting out the car. "uhhh sure! But you dont have to p-" she gets interrupted by vance. "Omg. Finney...MY PINBALL MACHINE...I MISS ITTTT UGHHHH SOME BITCH COULD FUCK UP MY HIGH SCORE" vance says, fake crying and shaking finney. "dude...everyone in denver knows not to fuck with that, since its practically yours, and bc youll beat their ass" finney explains. "hes sad over a pinball machine?" A kid says. "oh, uh yeah..hes been playing that for pretty much his whole life and he has a high score and he dosent want anyone to fuck it up, i guess" finney says, shrugging his shoulders. Vance grabs his suitcase and starts walking to the hotel. Finney says goodbye to the group and gets his stuff and goes to vance. "hello! Welcome to Derry's finest hotel. Checking in?" The person says, smiling at them. "yessir, room for 2 please" vance says, in the nicest voice he can. "Ah, okay! For how long are you staying?" He asks, doing some shit on the computer. "Until next saturday" vance says. "alright! In total, that will be $490" he says. Finney pushes vance and gives the man his card. "sorry but im paying, Vance" finney says, smirking. "i hate you sometimes, finney" vance says, annoyed. "alright, your guys are in room 336" He says, giving finney the key. "thank you" finney says, quietly. "god, your so akward" vance says, pulling finney towards him. "shut up, V" finney says, laughing. They start to head to the elevator. The elevator opens and tons of people come out. Finney and vance look at each other, worringly. They both hate small places and people, so an elevator with the amount of people their about to be with is scaring them. They get in the elevator, in the corner. People start pilling in which causes vance and finney to somehow get closer. The elevator ride was quiet until someone randomly spoke up. "this is going to the 3rd floor, right?" A man said, kinda quietly. "yessir.." finney says, nervously. Vance slowly grabs finney's hand. "ah, okay. Thanks, kid!" He says, smiling. "no problem, sir..." finney says, quietly. Finney turns his head to look at vance who is already looking at him. "you good?" Vance whispers, rasing an eyebrow. "no- fuck- i mean yes, im litterally the best right now" finney whispers, sarcastically. Someone presses the 2 button and the elevator stops suddenly, causing vance and finney to almost fall on each other. Everyone is silent, staring at them..until finney and vance burst into laughter. "fuck this shit, im taking the stairs" vance says, dragging finney with him. "thank goodness they have stairs here" finney says, taking a sigh of releif. "oh btw, vance did you know this hotel is supposed to be haunted?" Finney says, looking at vance. "oh really?" Vance says, looking at finney with a blank expression. "idk dude i read about this place in a documen- FUCK-" finney says, as a punk-ish looking 20 year old comes around the corner and accidently bumps into finney. "im s-sorry" finney says, picking some things that the ma dropped up and giving it to him. Vance just rolls his eyes. "its all good, man. It wasnt even your fault, it was his" another older boy says, smiling. "oh thanks, btw" one says. "no probl-" finney gets interrupted by vance. "oh my fuck, finney. Lets fucking go, please. Dude im litterally about to pass out because of lack of sleep" vance says, taking finneys hand and starting to walk. Finney smiles at the group and waves a 'goodbye' the group just smiles back. While they were walking, finney interlocks their fingers. Vance starts blushing like crazy and turns away. Finney chuckles, thinking vance is embaressed.

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